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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2477

Chapter 2477

Lillian handed the inner core over to Darryl as she spoke and Darryl took it without hesitation. The inner core of a Black Sand Python didn't mean much to hini, but he would rather not raise suspicion by not accepting it as it would contradict what he said earlier about him being here to hunt. Otis and the others were indignant but had given up on saying anything else.

''Darren!'' Lillian stared further ahead into poisonous fog and asked, ''are there more Black Sand Pythons nests in there? Can you lead the way and take us in?'' A few Black Sand -hons were hardly close to what Lillian had intended to achieve on this hunt.

''What?'' Aniused by her recklessness, Darryl paused and thought to himself, "These people really do not fear death. The deeper they get into the Valley of Death, the more dangerous it gets.  Apart from the Black Sand pythons, there are countless terrifying beasts ahead that are far too powerful to be dealt with, especially considering this crew's capabilities.''


''Sure, but let's renegotiate the commission. I will take thirty percent of the inner cores of however many beasts you manage to kill froni now on, or it's no deal,'' said Darryl determinedly. He knew that they would not have listened if he were to tell them the truth. He decided that it would be far more effective to simply raise the cornrnission so they would give up. Almost instantly, the men looked as if they were about to explode upon hearing his request.

''What the...what do you think you are talking about?''

''Thirty percent? Who do you think you are? You really think we can't survive without you?''

''Leader, just look at how greedy this Illan is. You treated hini with generosity and here he is asking for more.''

Lillian, too, was clearly upset with Darryl and tried to bargain. ''Darren, thirty percent is far too niuch. Can we negotiate this?''

''No!'' Darryl shook his head in unwavering deterillination. Lillian and her nien niight have sufficient skills to hunt some of the beasts that were found at the edge of  the area covered by the poisonous fog. But if they were to truly step foot into the depths, none of themwould last a Illinute before getting wiped out.

''Why you...'' Lillian stoniped her feet in frustration. ''Fine, I guess I misjudged you. We siniply have to find the Black Sand Pythons without you. Your guidance is no longer needed.''

'How despicable! I had  thought that he was a sincere nian. Who knew he would turn out to be so greedy?' Lillian thought to herself.

She waved her hand at her nien and said,

''Let's get going.''

Otis and the others all gave Darryl nasty looks before turning to follow Lillian into the poisonous fog.

Seeing that they weren't willing to give up, Darryl scowled and warned thein, ''I wouldn't do that if I were you, you guys are going to regret going in without my help.''

Otis and the others burst into laughter at his remark.

''This piece of garbage is clearly being sulky now that he realized he couldn't get anything from us.''


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