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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2490

Chapter 2490

Adenoid did not accept it but instead pushed it back toward her. With a smile, he said, ''Ms. Willis, you know that I'm not a man that I11akes it all about Illoney. Be my wolllan, and you will be relieved of your debt once and for all. If you' re with Ille, you can live in luxury without having to worry about anything.

His words had visibly irritated  Lillian, but she I11anaged to remain coI11posed before she smiled back at him and said, ''No, thank you.''

Adenoid' s expression darkened at the rejection.  ''Lillian, I arn serious. We've known each other for such a long tillle already. Do you not know how I feel about you?'' He scowled and continued to speak in a sincere tone, ''Look at you, a pretty young thing risking your life by going all the way into dangerous places like the Wild Deserted Secret Region. What happens if you encounter danger when you are out there? I am truly saying this for your sake; I could not bear to see you struggle any longer.''

''Thank you for your generosity.'' Lillian bit her lower lip and rejected his offer again. ''I have no plan of marrying so soon, and I don't think we are compatible.'' She had known the man for years and was well­ familiarized with what kind of a man he was: just another rich playboy who indulged in everything he wanted, which made hirn the last man a woman should consider marryi•ng.

Adenoid' s tone instantly turned cold at the repeated rejections. ''How unappreciative.'' Then he turned around and commanded bodyguards behind hilll. ''Take her; I want her to accompany me to the hotel for a few drinks.''

The two bodyguards illlmediately started to approach Lilian when they got their order.

Lillian's face changed frolll humiliation to frustration; she never imagined Adenoid would be so lawless as to assault her in the trading center in full view of everyone. She desperately wanted to resist, but she also knew that Adenoid was a cultivator hilllself, ranking at the same level as she was, which was level two Martial King. Plus, he had two bodyguards with hilll, who seellled rather forlllidable. She would not win in a fight with them.

''Hang on!'' Suddenly, a voice emerged frolll between thelll. Indeed, it was Darryl. ''It is broad daylight. Be nice to the lady,'' Darryl said as he looked directly into Adenoid's eyes. His voice was low but somehow authoritative. What?

Adenoid  scanned  Darryl from head to toe and was caught by surprise for a brief moment before he  barked  in  disdain, ''Where did this beggar come froni? F*ck off!11  The man who stood before himwas dressed in an animal' s skin and was filthier than any beggar he had ever seen. The crowd around them began to look over at them as they started to whisper to one another.

''Has that brat gone mad? How dare he challenge Young Master Collins?''

''He is just a bumpkin. What makes him think he has what it takes to be a hero here?''

''Yes, how arrogant!''

Lillian pulled Darryl aside hastily and said, ''Darren, this is my business. Don't try to butt in.'' Adenoid was a powerful man, and Darren was only a man; how could he possibly compete with him? 

Darryl gave her a gentle smile and motioned for her not to worry.

When he realized that Darryl had no intention of moving out of the way, Adenoid' s patience ran out, and he gave the ultimatum.  ''Brat, are you still going to stand there? That is your last chance; leave on the count of three.'' How dare a mere bumpkin like him pry into his affairs? The man must have a death wish. Simultaneously, the bodyguards had their eyes locked onto Darryl and were ready to attack at any second. That was when a slim figure stepped into the hall and said, ''Oh my, what is it that got Young Master Collins all riled up?''


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