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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2500

Chapter 2500



Both Jeffrey and Clara gasped.

'Isn't hea beggar? Why is his strength so terrifying?' Thud. Jeffrey's legs weakened, and he fell to the ground; his face was pale, obviously unable to hold it any longer.

''Father!'' Clara yelled bitterly and hurried forward to help her father. 

At the sanie tinie, she did not forget to plead with Darryl. ''Hero, please, save niy father. Please!''

Darryl walked forward and checked out Jeffrey's injuries and vitals. His expression was glum. He shook his head and said, ''I'm sorry, I can't do anything for him.''

Darryl was right that Jeffrey's heart vein was pierced through, and he had lost too much blood. Even the gods, and even the Divine Farmer, were powerless to save Jeffrey.

Darryl remernbered  that only the heart of the Ocean could save the person when one's heart vein was destroyed. However, there was only one Heart of the Ocean in the world. Ten years ago, when Dax's heart vein was pierced, they had used that one and only Heart of the Ocean. Clara slumped to the ground in despair.

Jeffrey forced a weak smile and said to Clara, ''My dear  daughter,  don't be sad. I  feel better now that I know that you're alright, and I'll be able to go in peace.''

''Father, don't say that. I must find a way to save you.''

Jeffrey waved his hand and smiled affectionately at Clara. ''Don't be stubborn. I am aware of my injuries.'' As he was talking, he took a soft cloth bag and handed it to Darryl.

''Sir, you've saved Illy daughter's life, but I can't pay for your kindness. This is the treasure that those assassins wanted to snatch from me. I'll give it to you now.''

Jeffrey's weak face was overwhelmed with feelings. ''It is true that the wealthy and talented may be targeted by hateful sentiments. My dear daughter, you must stay low in the future and don't cause any trouble as I did.''

After he said the last sentence, Jeffrey turned his head and took his last breath.

''Father...'' Clara was heartbroken. She laid beside her father and sobbed uncontrollably; she nearly fainted from grief.

Darryl sighed. When he unwrapped the cloth bag, he was startled. He noticed that there was a strange-looking stone inside the cloth bag. It was vibrant and emitted an aura. It was a Heaven Repairing Stone, and the shape and size were just fit to open the fifth floor of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda! Darryl chuckled. He was very excited when he discovered the stone. He did not expect to find the very last piece of Heaven's Repairing Stone in such a way. A few seconds later, Darryl frowned.

Jackie Yale had snatched the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda fro1n him three years ago. When he returned from the Valley of Death, he was deterrnined to reclaim the pagoda.

Darryl approached the assassins' bodies and examined theni. He discovered nothing useful. Organized killers are highly good at concealing their identity. Clara had also stopped crying. Darryl walked toward her and helped her to bury Jeffrey.


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