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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2507

Chapter 2507


Chris had contacted Jewel two years ago and infortned her that she was the Moore fainily's Eldest Young Miss, who had been missing for niany years.

Jewel thought he was a liar, so she sent hini off casually. Unexpectedly, he appeared again that day. ''Miss!''

Chris looked helpless and said with a wry smile, ''What I said is true. Sixteen years ago, the Moore faniily was hunted down by enemies, and your parents left with you and went into exile. The family crisis was resolved sonietinie later, and the faniily began to look for the three of you.

''After niore than ten years, I've finally found you, Miss! You have a niole behind your right ear. I can't be wrong. Besides, I have also tested your blood discreetly.''

Chris was on the verge of kneeling as he sought to persuade Jewel. He appeared to be sincere. ''Miss, Master passed away a Illonth ago, and he never forgot about you, even when he died. Only you can save the farnily now that they are in jeopardy. I would appreciate it if you could return with me.''


Jewel trembled and was utterly stunned.

Darryl was also dumbfounded.

'So, Jewel is a young miss from a prolllinent falllily?'


Finally, Jewel calmed down. She did not make a decision immediately. Instead, she turned her head to look at Darryl. Over the years, Darryl had given her warmth and farnily affection. It meant everything to her. Whatever happened, she sought Darryl's advice.

Darryl took a deep breath and said with a smile, ''Jewel, it's agood thing that you've found your farnily. Let's go. I will go with you.''





Jewel nodded cheerfully, but she was also a little nervous.

Chris was very excited that Jewel had agreed to go with him, and he quickly opened the car door and invited both Jewel and Darryl to get in the car.

Half an hour later, Darryl and Jewel arrived at a majestic manor in the western suburbs of Cloudbrook City. The manor had two basketball courts. The fa ade, pavilions, and surroundings of the old buildings were stunning. It exudes majesty from every nook and cranny of the structure. ''Miss!''

''Master and the other young masters and young niisses are waiting for you inside,'' Chris said as he led the two to the hall's entrance.

''I'm going to leave you with theni.''

Jewel nodded and followed Darryl into the room. Darryl took a peek around, quietly adniiring the beautiful structure. The hall was very luxuriously decorated, and everything else was simply magnificent. The building looked just like a palace.

Jewel was also taken aback as if she were dreaming.

A middle-aged man with a lovely face and an awe-inspiring aura sat in the center of the hall. It was John Moore, Jewel's uncle.

There were sorne young men and women on both sides of  him. They were Jewel's cousins, and they were all dressed in contemporary clothes.

''At long last, Jewel, you are willing to return.'' John grinned and rose to greet Jewel.

Then, a young couple also approached Jewel to greet her warmly.

The man in a suit looked  handsome, whereas the woman in her thirties wore a long purple dress that accentuated her sexy curves and delicate features. She was indescribably sexy and charming.

They were John's eldest son and daughter­ in-law, Keane Moore and Isabelle Sandoz.


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