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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2509

Chapter 2509


Keane approached Jewel and asked with a smile, ''Jewel, don't you want to help the family? As long as you marry Bruce, the problems of our family will be solved easily.'' 

After that, Keane said seriously, ''You know what? Bruce likes you very much...''

Bruce interrupted him before he could finish his thought.

''Jewel Moore... Oh, no, I'd better call you Jewel. That sounds better,'' Bruce said with a smile. ''You may not know that three years ago, I was there when the Union Army fought against the Raksasa Tribe. I was shocked to see you at the ti111e, but unfortunately, there was no chance to contact you.''

''After the war ended, I thought about you every day and night. The biggest dream of my life is to marry you and make you my .WI fe...''

In the end, Bruce smiled as he looked at Jewel affectionately. He stretched his hand out at the same titne. Jewel felt her brain buzzed.

'The family was so eager to bring me back just so I could marry Bruce,' she thought.

Their farnily affections were phony, but their concern for their benefits was genuine.

Jewel was very disappointed. She drew in a deep breath to calm down. She looked at Bruce and said, ''Bruce, I'm sorry. I can't marry you."


As soon as Jewel spoke her mind, Bruce and the Moore family were all stunned.

A few seconds later, Keane snapped back to his senses and persuaded Jewel, ''Jewel, why did you refuse that marriage proposal?

Bruce really likes you. Is it not a good idea to marry him?''

Everyone around thein also spoke up.

''Yeah, Bruce is wealthy. You'll be blessed to be with him.''

''Don't think that we are doing that all for the farnily's benefit. We're doing it for your happiness too.''

''That's right. What's the point of staying at the Elysium Gate every day and watching those thugs fight and rnurder?''

Jewel did not show any emotion. The voices around her had no impact on her emotions.

''I won't marry him.'' Jewel's red lips slightly parted and a few words ernerged from them. She was not loud, but she sounded very firm.

Her body and soul and even her lifetirne belonged to her husband-Darryl. How could she rnarry another nian?                                             1


Everyone around Jewel suddenly became angry.

Isabelle strutted in her high heels, pointed at Jewel and shouted,  ''Who do you think you are? After more than ten years of wandering around, your family has worked so hard to locate you and find you a good husband. It's fine if you aren't grateful, but what are you trying to prove by being uptight here?''

Jewel trembled, but she was too lazy to continue the conversation. She was about to turn around and leave.

Keane got angry and stood in front of Jewel. ''Where are you going? You have to agree today, no matter what.''

''Jewel!'' John rose to his feet, his gaze looked cornplicated. ''All grown-ups should get married, '' he said slowly. ''We are doing that for your own good. Do not be so volatile.'' 'Volatile?'


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