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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2514

Chapter 2514


In response to Keane's words, the others nodded in agreeinent.

''That's right; we're looking for a husband for Jewel. It's for her own good.''

''You're just a bodyguard. What right do you have to interfere?''

Everyone chiined in. Keane looked at Darryl, sneered, and said, ''If you knew any better, you would leave at once. We're going to discuss fainily Inatters. An outsider like you has no right to be here.'' 'Bloody f*ck. How arrogant.'

Darryl was so furious that he laughed. Then, he looked at Keane closely. ''Interesting! As a fainily, you forced Jewel to give up her happiness for your own gain, yet you talk as if you' re in the right. How shameless. ''

''What did you say?'' Keane's demeanor shifted; he reprimanded.

Darryl sneered. ''I'm sure all of you understand what I'm saying.

At that moment, Jewel also said, ''Uncle, if you still insist on being like that, then I don't think there's a need for me to return here.''


John, who was sitting there, immediately stood up. He smiled apologetically and said, ''It was wrong of us to do that yesterday.

Don't be mad, don't be mad. Then, John glared at Keane. Keane's face fluctuated between being pale and green. He was hesitant, but he kept his mouth shut.

Right at that moITient, a cousin stood up and said, ''Jewel, we introduced you to Bruce yesterday, yet you were not happy about it.

Initially, you were to marry Bruce, and he would be able to settle our family' s problems, but it's all gone now.''

Everyone started to chime in as well.

''Yes, it was supposed to be a happy affair, yet it was ruined.''

Jewel, without any expression on her face, said flatly, ''What are you all trying to say? Don't beat around the bushes; get to the point.''

''Alright, everyone, be quiet,'' John said as he slammed the chair.

Then, John looked at Jewel. ''Since you are not willing to marry Bruce, I won't force you either. It's like that. We could resolve our farnily's issues in at least two ways.

''The first one is Bruce. With his capital invested in us, Moore's estate would be able to go on as usual. It's a pity that you do not like hirn, rnaking hi.In leave unhappily. So that solution is not the way.

''The other way is through the Weiss Cloud Group. The Weiss Cloud Group would be a great cornplement to  the  Moore family estate. It's a pity that we have never worked with them. So, I think, if you could get the Elysiurn Gate to say something for us, the Weiss Cloud Group would definitely agree to work with us on behalf of the Elysium Gate.'' 

The Weiss Cloud Group?

Darryl was a little stunned. He felt that the name was quite familiar.

Soon, he remembered. Clara, whom he rescued from the ruined temple a day ago, was the president of the Weiss Cloud Group. At that time, Clara even gave Darryl her father's rare and hard-to-come-by Heaven Repairing Stones as a form of gratitude.


Jewel shook her head. Her exquisite face was filled with determination. ''Uncle, I  had said it very clearly yesterday. The Elysium Gate is very strict and disciplined. They forbid anyone from engaging in any commercial activities. I 'rn afraid I can't make an exception for you.'' Swoosh!

John's demeanor shifted.


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