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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2524

Chapter 2524

Jackie sat there without an expression on her gorgeous face, looking as cold as ice.

The Endless Sky Organization got involved in the business world in the past six months because they wanted to expand their forces by controlling the corporate groups. However, their plan was disrupted by the sects of cultivators in the Nine Mainland.

That infuriated her. ''Master!''

''He's here.'' An elite female disciple walked forward and announced courteously as she showed a unique black jade slip. Jackie's expression changed when she saw the jade slip. She stood up irnmediately and walked to the antehall at the back.

She noticed a man in a black robe in the antehall when she arrived. He ernitted an intirnidating aura with a slight smile on his grim face.

It was Zhang Jue.

''It's been a while since we met. How are you?'' Zhang Jue greeted her with a smile when he noticed Jackie's entrance.

Yes, he was one of the Endless Sky Organization rnernbers. One could say he founded the organization with Jackie.

Zhang Jue left without  a word  after  the treaty between the Nine Continent Arrny and Raksasa Tribe was forrned because he knew that he had no place arnong the forces in the Nine Mainland. Therefore, he founded Yellow Sky Trading in secret and met Jackie

by chance. When she realized her a1nbition, he established the Endless Sky Organization with her.

However, Zhang Jue was unwilling to expose his identity because he was sly. He had been letting Jackie 1nanage the  organization while he pulled strings fro1n behind the scenes.

Jackie s111iled at hi111. ''Mr. Zhang, how spontaneous! Is there a reason why you're here?'' Phew!

Zhang Jue took a deep breath and replied in an unhurried tone, ''Do you know that Darryl Darby's back?''


Jackie's delicate figure jerked when she heard that. She froze as a hint offear emerged on her gorgeous face.

Jackie was confident that Darryl would not get a chance for revenge when she took the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda from him because he was paralyzed then. She did not expect that he would regain his powers after that. She was happy with Darryl's subsequent disappearance after the war between the Nine Mainland and the Raksasa 

Tribe ended.

She was shocked to find out that he had returned after he was ntissing in action for three years.

Zhang Jue smiled lightly when he saw her expression. ''You don't have to worry; he did not return to Elysium Gate. He hid his identity instead. I guess he intends to investigate the Endless Sky Organization.''

He niaintained a confident sniile as he talked, but he was actually indescribably frustrated.

He waited for Darryl for an ambush at Cloudbrook City in the Yellow Sea Continent a day ago, but he did not show up. That annoyed hi very much.

Jackie's eyes shone as she listened to him. ''What's your opinion on that?What should we do?''

Zhang Jue pondered for a n1on1ent before he replied unhurriedly,  ''It's simple. You should order  the  Endless Sky Organization to attack Elysium Gate. It'd be best if you ambush the Carter family to capture his wonien. He will certainly show hirnself, and

I'll an1bush hin1when the tin1e con1es. '' ''No way!''

Jackie's expression changed, and she objected in1n1ediately. ''Endless Sky Organization is in its developing period. Our effort all that tillle will be gone in a day if we

fight Elysiulll Gate head-on. No way!''

She did not want to take the risk because she had put too II1uch effort into the Endless Sky Organization for the past three years.


A hint of annoyance flashed past Zhang Jue's face when Jackie rejected his idea.

'Wolllen are soft-hearted, indeed.'

He was extremely dissatisfied with Jackie at the moment. The two of thelll already had their differences on the path of Endless Sky Organization's development. He had wanted to eliminate her, but he had been holding it in all that time. He could no longer do that since she objected to his suggestion.


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