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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2531

Chapter 2531

'Previously, Matteo had destroyed Lily's face. He also tricked Anlbrose, causing my son and me to turn into enemies.' Darryl could not control his ernotions when he thought of that.

Laura's body shivered when she heard that. ''I don't care about all those. You killed n1y brother. You must die!'' Laura continued to speak coldly. ''The person caught with you, she is your woman, right? Today, I shall send both of you to hell.''

Then, they brought Jackie forward. ''Kill her first,'' Laura shouted. The Six Tribulation Lords walked forward and immediately drew their weapons. They were about to strike Jackie.

Jackie's body tre1nbled. She said imniediately, ''You have misunderstood. I have no relationship with Darryl at  all. On the contrary, he is niy enemy. I wish to chop his body into pieces!''

Jackie glared at Darryl. 'That b*stard still wants to cause rne trouble before he dies!' Enemy?

Laura waved her hand when she heard that.

She signaled to the Six Tribulation Lords to bring Jackie to the side.


Laura walked forward slowly and 1nocked Darryl coldly, ''You really do have so many enemies. It is not enough for a person like you to die 1nore than ten thousand times.''

Asshespoke,Lauratooktheenchanted beast pouch fron1 Darryl's body.

''What are you doing?'' Darryl had a feeling son1ething horrible was going to happen.

A taunting sn1ile appeared on Laura's face. ''What an1 I doing? Do you think I don't know? Rocky, who was captured in the Incandescent Sect's forbidden area, had passed his youngling into your care, and it is now hiding in this enchanted beast pouch.''

''Of course, I can't let Rocky rescue you, so I have to take action first.''

Laura waved her hand; the enchanted beast pouch landed in a fire fountain nearby.


Darryl wanted to stop her, but his body was bound. There was nothing he could do. Roar!

At that instant, the enchanted beast pouch started to burn into flames. Rocky, who was inside, felt the danger. He roared and rushed out the bag instantly.

''Go to hell!'' Laura had expected Rocky to rush out. She shouted; her body hovered in mid- air as she struck Rocky's head.

Laura was already at the Heaven Ascension level. Even though Rocky was incredibly powerful, his focus was on the fire fountain, and he was rushing to escape it. There was no way for him to avoid Laura's attack. Bang!

That punch landed heavily on Rocky's head. He roared in pain and landed heavily into the fire fountain. Then, he vomited blood and died on the spot.

''Laura!'' Darryl's eyes could see only red. His heart ached terribly as he roared until his voice was coarse.

Rocky had been with Darryl for alniost ten years. He was not only an enchanted beast; he was faniily. Darryl felt his heart break into pieces when he witnessed Rocky  die a terrible death.


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