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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2533

Chapter 2533

Next, Zhang Jue looked around, and his vision landed on Susan. ''Madam Carter, I have good news to share with all of you. I have news about Darry.'' What? The Inain hall was in an uproar when everyone heard that. Everyone was so excited. 

''What? Where is he?''

''I knew Darryl would be fine.'' ''Mister Zhang, tell us quickly.''

At that point, everyone still did not know that it wasZhang Jue's trick. They did not also know that Zhang Jue was the one who forrned the Yellow Sky Trading that wasall across the Nine Mainland. Not only that, he even controlled the Endless Sky Organization completely. Zhang Jue's power at that time was stronger than any single sect.

Zhang Jue laughed at their questions.  ''For the past three years, I have been venturing all over the world. I met  Darryl when I passed by the Chaotic Mountain Range a day ago. He was walking out of the Wild Deserted Secret Region at that time. He was gravely hurt, though, as a result of the vicious beasts' attack.''

''Due to the severity of his injury, I dare not rescue and cure him recklessly. Hence I can only come here to inforrn you of the situation.''

Zhang Jue's face looked grave when he said that.

That was right; Zhang Jue was lying. He did that to lure the Carter faniily into heading to the trap that he had set. He would be able to force Darryl to appear and follow his orders once he had captured them.

At that moment, Susan and the rest were incredibly excited and worried. They were utterly unaware that Zhang Jue had tricked thetn.

''Where is he?''

''Bring us there quickly.''

Everyone started to speak. All of their eyes were filled with desperation. 

''I have arranged for Darryl to stay in a safe place. Follow me, all of you. His injury can not afford any delay.'' Zhang Jue sITiiled.

A few minutes later, Susan and others followed Zhang Jue and left the Carter mansion.

Two hours later, everyone stopped for a rest when they arrived in the woods near the World Universe border.

Zhang Jue, who stood at the side, sn1iled when he saw that. His eyes looked cold and dangerous.

Just as the wind blew, Zhang Jue retrieved a pack of things secretly. He stood in the direction of the wind and splashed son1e powder into the air. Soon the wind carried the powder, and everyone inhaled it.

Susan, who was nearest to him, felt son1ething was not right. Her body shook.

'What is going on?'

At that moment, Susan's beautiful face turned pale. She was shocked, and she had a

doubt in her n1ind. 'That's weird. I was fine just now. Why do I suddenly feel weak all over n1y body, and n1y internal energy see1ns to be sealed? I can't activate it at all!'

'This is the sign of being poisoned!'

As she thought about it, Susan was about to stand up. However, her body legs were frail and sore; she could not use a single bit of her energy at all. Zhang Jue chuckled. He was so delighted when he saw that. He smiled and looked at Susan. 11Madan1Carter, what's wrong?'' His voice sounded concerned, but he was teasing her.

''Mister Zhang, I-''Susan's beautiful brows were in a frown. After only a few words, she was cut off by Zhang Jue.


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