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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2535

Chapter 2535

Zhang Jue was stunned. Then, he stared at Heather. It had been three years, and Heather looked Inore attractive and sexier than before.

A few seconds later, Zhang Jue said coldly, ''Get lost ''

Zhang Jue knew that girl was the Sea Mackie Clan's princess. Her position was unique. Even though she was in his hand, he did not pity her.

Heather shook her head; her face looked determined. ''Don't you dare hurt brother Ambrose; not with me around.''

''Heather!'' Ambrose was worried; he shouted, ''Ignore me. I want to see if he has the guts to chop off my hands.'' 

Heather shook her head firmly. ''Brother Ambrose, you've always protected me; it is now my turn to protect you.''

Next, Heather glared at Zhang Jue. ''You are such an evil person. Three years ago, Sect Master Darby let you go due to his kindness. Not only are you not grateful for that, but you've turned around and wanted to harm his faniily. You are such a loser; you will die a terrible death!'' Slap!

Zhang Jue was furious; he slapped Heather's face before she could finish her words.

''B*tch, how dare you speak to me like that. Do you know who I am? Who are you to comment about me? You are seeking death!'' Zhang Jue said coldly. He raised his hand and slapped Heather about eight times, each time stronger than the other one!

Slap! Slap! Slap!

They could hear the crisp sound continuously!

Heather was incredibly weak and gentle; how could she suffer that? Fresh blood flowed fro1n the corner of her mouth; her knees nearly buckled. However, she continued to shout, ''Bad guy, devil! You will die a terrible death! A terrible death!''

'Such a bad guy! He cheated everyone and still wants to hack Brother Ambrose's hands. No one in the world is more deviant than him!'

When he heard that, Zhang Jue's anger continued to burn. He had been a fa111ous figure for a few thousand years. He was the leader of the Yellow Turban Rebellion that conquered the world. How could he let a girl scold him in such a manner?

Zhang Jue's slap got stronger and stronger under his anger.


''Zhang Jue, you are an elder in the conununity, and yet you are bullying a little girl. Are you still a man?'' ''Sh*t, con1e to n1e if you dare!''

When they saw that, Dax, Yvette, Ambrose, and the rest were enraged. They did not stop shouting at Zhang Jue, especially Ambrose. His eyes were blood-red; they looked as if they were about to explode.

Heather was gentle and kind, but Zhang Jue had tortured her in such a terrible way. He felt his heart break into pieces when he saw that.

Zhang Jue laughed.

When he heard how Ambrose and the others shouted and scolded hiin, he grinned evilly. ''Just a few slaps, and you can't handle it? Not only will I hit her, but I also want her life!II

Zhang Jue looked at Ambrose. ''Young Man, you like this princess froin the Sea Mackie Clan, right? Today, I shall let you experience the feeling of losing soineone you love.''

Zhang Jue's internal energy rushed forward; he punched at Heather's chest!

Dax, Yvette, and the others' expressions changed at that instant. Their hearts were on the verge of bursting.

1Brother Ainbrose, we shall Ineet again in our next life.''

Heather continued to cry; as Zhang Jue attacked her, she shut her eyes hopelessly.


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