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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2540

Chapter 2540

Meanwhile, at the Lunar Hill in Middle Terra.

Lunar Hill was located in the midsection of Middle Terra. The hill extended for a few thousand kilonieters. The scenery was so beautiful; it was a fanious spot in Middle Terra.

There was a grand building on the top of the hill. That was the Endless Sky Organization's niain altar.

The Endless Sky Organization was fornied three years ago. Its disciples were all over the place on the Nine Mainland. Due to their niysterious principles, no one else knew the location of their niain altar.

However, after Zhang Jue poisoned Jackie and controlled the Endless Sky Organization cornpletely with his despicable plan, he had set the niain altar at Lunar Hill.

At that nionient, on the main altar.

Zhang Jue sat on the throne seat; his entire body released a strong aura. A smile appeared on his hideous face. A day ago, he had captured the Carter faniily, and all of theni were locked in the prison at the rnain altar.

The next step was to release the news to Darryl so that he would fall into his trap.

Tens of Endless Sky Organization elite disciples stood  neatly behind the  throne seat, together with the Hall Masters from each hall. They all appeared to be respectful.

A significant tremor from the sky and earth was sensed at that exact instant. It felt sacrosanct and should not be disrespected.

Everyone's facial expression changed when they felt the intense vibration. They were all terrified.

Zhang Jue furrowed his brows. ''What is the big deal? Go take a look at what is going on!''

After he finished speaking, a few elite disciples rushed outside the niain hall to take a look. ''Master, the trenior seenied to originate from the direction of the Wild Deserted Secret Region,'' they reported promptly.

When he heard that, Zhang Jue instantly stood up and proceeded toward the main hall entrance. He cast a glance up into the sky.

Zhang Jue's body trenibled when he witnessed the phenomenon. He was iITirnersed in thought.

''Master, such a phenomenon indicates the birth of a grand weapon.''

''That is correct. When Donoghue escaped and died in the Wild Deserted Secret Region three years ago, the Sky Breaking Axe was

nowhere to be found. Could it be-'' ''That is highly possible..."

Everyone was talking about it, and they were all incredibly emotional. Sigh!

Zhang Jue regained his composure at that point. He exhaled deeply and shook his head as he remarked, ''Such a phenomenon is not a powerful weapon. It is the birth of an enchanted beast."

Zhang Jue was well-known for several thousand years; he was extremely knowledgeable. He could  plainly  discern that the phenolllenon was not the same as when the great weapon was born. It was important to understand that the birth of an enchanted beast would also cause such a sky and earth vibration.

An enchanted beast?

When they heard that, everyone looked at each other with interest. Zhang Jue spoke without hesitation. ''Gather all the disciples and rush to the Wild Deserted Secret Region. Rerneinber, we have to get there before the other Nine Mainland sects.''

'I was in charge of the biggest cultivation organization in the Nine Mainland. If I can tame an enchanted beast, I will be the strongest person in the world. As such, it must be done before anyone. I can not give this chance to anyone else.' ''Yes, Master!''

Half an hour later, after they had gathered a few ten thousand elite disciples, all of them, led by Zhang Jue, set off grandly toward the Wild Deserted Secret Region.

After a few hours of progress, Zhang Jue finally led the ten thousand disciples to the Valley of Death in the Wild Deserted Secret Region.


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