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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2546

Chapter 2546


A loud roar was heard. The air around the giant scaled dragon froze instantly! A strong aura exploded crazily from its giant body.

''Let me save you.''

Jewel shouted as she held a longsword. She could not control her intention to battle anymore. She stood beside the giant scaled dragon and helped it to defend against the enemies.

On the other hand, Darryl and Zhang Jue went into an intense battle.

Darryl had complete confidence initially, but his heart became incredibly shocked when he felt Zhang Jue's power was so much stronger than three years ago.

Darryl still did not know that ever since Zhang Jue formed Yellow Sky Trading, he had absorbed many exquisite inner cores and consumed spirit pills simultaneously for some time. One should know that Zhang Jue's elixir production technique was extremely powerful too. He had no problem producing exquisite spirit pills as long as he had the ingredients. In the blink of an eye, half an hour had passed. Darryl still did not manage to control Zhang Jue.

At the same time, the giant scaled dragon and Jewel were in a dangerous situation too.

If it were not due to the severe injuries that Zhang Jue had inflicted on the giant scaled dragon, it would not bother about those men. However, due to its injury and the attacks from so many people, the giant scaled dragon could barely stand it anymore.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

After an intense battle for more than half an hour, the giant scaled dragon's energy was draining quickly. A few elite disciples found the right opportunity and pierced through its body. Fresh blood oozed as the giant scaled dragon roared in pain.

''I would rather die than surrender to you.''

The giant scaled dragon roared. Its eyes looked determined. Next, it opened its mouth and vomited a shiny treasure pearl. That was the dragon ball that the giant scaled dragon had swallowed three years ago.

''Young Lady, thank you for helping me. I present to you with this dragon ball,'' the giant scaled dragon said in sorrow. It curled its tail around Jewel's body and forced her to open her mouth so that she would swallow the dragon ball.


Before Jewel could react, the dragon ball had already gone down her throat! What?

Everyone from the Endless Sky Organization was furious and shocked; their faces changed when

they saw that.

The few hall masters were especially furious; they were the closest to the giant scaled dragon. It had killed many of their disciples, and they were about to capture it. They did not expect it would give its inner core to Jewe1.

The giant scaled dragon looked at the sky and laughed loudly when it saw their expressions. He felt incredibly relieved. ''You despicable human being. You want to force me to surrender? You

made the wrong plan.''

After it spoke, the giant scaled dragon used the last bit of its energy and charged toward the crowd again. However, not long after it dashed forward, its enormous body dropped onto the ground. It had lost its breath and died.

The giant scaled dragon had lost its life without the inner core. There was no way for it to live.


Zhang Jue cursed discreetly when he saw that. His face looked horrible.

He had wanted to tame the enchanted beast that wasabout to transform into a dragon. He did not expect that the giant scaled dragon would rather die than surrender. On top of that, it had given its inner core to Jew el.

Darryl furrowed his brows too. He had a bad feeling-one could stay innocent until one possessed a treasure. Jewel's power was not strong and was not a threat to those people; hence, no one would even take note of her. However, she had the dragon ball, so she would be in danger.


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