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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2567

Chapter 2567

The words seemed to have pushed Natalie further to explode from anger. ''Shut your mouth! Do you know that the Raksasa Tribe wouldn't have been able to enjoy the peaceful lives for the past few years, had it not been for what this honored guest did?'' She waved her hand furiously and ordered, ''Drag Jack out to receive punishment of a hundred strikes of whipping.''

''Yes!'' The Raksasa around them didn't dare to disobey and immediately moved to drag Jack out upon receiving the order.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Soon, the crackling sound of the whip hitting on flesh echoed through the hall, followed by Jack's tortured cries. Instantly, every person in the hall was frightened to death at the horrific sight of Jack being beaten until his skin and flesh teared and blood gushed out like a fountain from his wounds. No one dared to object to the punishment in fear of the Raksasa Queen's wrath.

The pained screams eventually caught the attention of the  other generals of the  Raksasa Tribe and they rushed over only to find Jack in his miserable state. They couldn't bear to see one of their people suffer, and walked over to the queen before stuttering, ''Your...Your Majesty! Please have mercy, Jack has contributed all these years...''

''That's enough!'' Natalie roared, her voice amplified in authority by her aura. Sensing her rage, the generals simultaneously felt chills down their spines and retreated to the side wordlessly.

Finally, Natalie gestured for the punishment to stop just as Jack was close to being beaten to death. She then took a deep breath before striding over to Darryl with an enticing smile. ''Jack offended you, how would you like to have him punished?'' she asked.

Instantaneously, all eyes gathered on Darryl in  awe. Every single one of them had thought that this kid would face severe consequences for offending the mayor of Rock City. Who would have thought that the tables would turn so quickly, that this insignificant man from the Nine Continent was in complete control over Jack's fate? He was no ordinary nobody, but the true dictator of the situation!

The hall had fallen into complete silence, so much so that one could distinctly hear a sound as faint as a pin dropping on the floor. Darryl smiled and replied in a calm tone, ''I mean, I do understand that after thousands of years of banishment, the Raksasa Tribe would want to make up for the lost time now that you have finally returned to the Nine Continents. However, that doesn't change the fact that business requires fairness and integrity. Since you've already teached him a lesson, there is nothing more I would add to this. But I hope that incidents like this will not happen again in the future.''

''Yes...I understand!'' Natalie nodded modestly in response like a child that haddone something wrong. The next moment, she turned around to stare down at Jack and said, ''Jack, you are to renew the trading system and legislations effect from today onwards. Any trade with the Nine Continents from now on must remain absolutely just, or be prepared to lose your position as the Rock City mayor.''

''Yes, Your Majesty!'' Jack nodded frantically, before ordering his men, ''Hurry, get the trading paperwork done immediately for Miss Yach.''


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