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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2573

Chapter 2573

''That's right!'' Laura nodded without hesitation and replied, '' I have found out where Darryl Darby is hiding right now. If only we could...'' Just as she was about to finish, she caught sight of Chester standing not too far away and jumped in shock. ''What...what is he doing here?'' Her eyes shone in hatred at the sight of Chester. It was this manthat worked together with Darryl in causing the downfall of the Incandescent Sect, and two foes would never tolerate the existence of the other. Simultaneously, Laura had her internal energy fired up and was ready to pounce.

Chester, too, was staring at Laura on guard and alert.

''Haha!11  Zhang Jue stood and smiled in response to the scene and explained, ''Sect Master Hanson, you may relax. Master Wilson has abandoned Darryl Darby and is now working for me, he is an ally.''

What? Laura paused in shock and looked at Chester in disbelief. ''He...he betrayed Darryl Darby and went over to Zhang Jue's side?'' She doubted for a moment, but seeing that Zhang Jue seemed to be serious about it, she slowly began to let her guard down.

''Sect Master Hanson, let's get on with the clue you have on Darryl Darby's hideout,'' Zhang Jue asked keenly.

Laura bit her lip and slowly started to explain,  ''He is now recovering at the Yach family's mansion in the Mistloren...'', followed by a few minutes of her going through all the leads she had gathered by fa r.

The hall erupted into an uproar of ex citement. Zhang Jue himself could barely contain the eagerness in his eyes as he thought to himself, 'Ha! Who would have thought that Darryl was hiding in some cultivator family?''

''Don't get too excited just yet.'' Just as everyone was riled up, Laura added, ''Darryl Darby isn't the only one there, Zhu Bajie was with him. My disciples from the Saint Fire Palace Sect have found out that Zhu Bajie was the master of Yach family's eldest daughter.'' Slightly unnerved by Zhu Bajie's presence, she scowled and continued, ''Zhu Bajie is far too powerful to be underestimated.''

Zhu Bajie? Zhang Jue's brows tangled together as his expression darkened at the mention of the name. Zhang Jue might be resourceful with formidable power, but he still had to watch out for heros that hadbeen known to the world for over thousands of years, such as Ghost Valley Sage, Yang Jian, and of course, Zhu Bajie. All the members around him had a similar reaction to Zhu Bajie's name as well.

''In order to take Darryl Darby down, we need to get past Zhu Bajie, '' Laura said firmly. ''So we need to figure out a way to deal with Zhu Bajie first. Once he is out of the way, killing Darby would be a piece of cake.''

Zhang Jue nodded in agreement and said, ''Sect Master Hanson is right.'' He then turned to look around and continued, ''What ideas do all of you have?''  The others found  themselves looking at one another without a clue. Zhu Bajie was one of the  men that had reached the peak of martial art, finding a way to deal with him was way harder than to simply capture Darryl. Sh*t! Chester felt his stomach sink in panic as he tried his best to remain calm. Laura came here to seek alliance with Zhang Jue and brought news about Darryl's whereabouts. What now?

''Master, I know a way.'' That was when a charming figure stepped out with a confident smile. It was Karen.


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