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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2578

Chapter 2578

Damn it! The leader of the disciples stared daggers at Zhu Bajie, his eyes crimson from rage. ''Zhu Bajie, no matter how strong you are, you are still outnumbered. Surrender and you might still get to stay alive.''

''Zhu Bajie, stop fighting!''

''Yeah, dragging this out won't do you any good.'' ''Surrender!'' The other disciples that were surrounding him started to yell in frustration. Zhu Bajie was simply far too powerful and they would risk more casualties with every moment he was not restrained.

Surrender? Zhu Bajie sneered at the idea. For years, he had lived and travelled the world and never had he once surrendered to anyone. ''You want to capture me? Come at me with everything you have. I am not stopping until I'm done having fun,'' he shouted in  excitementas he charged into the crowd once again.

Baam! Baam! Baam! Zhu Bajie glided through the crowd, oozing with his will to fight and struck over and over again. His eyes turned red from the rage of being ambushed, boundless power exploded from within him as he brought hundreds more down in a blink of an eye. His fierceness was mighty as though the god of war himself had descended to earth. The remaining disciples and Cheyenne gasped in fear at the sight.

''What the...Zhu Bajie's strength is inhuman.''

''We might have the number but it's going to be a pain to capture him alive.'' ''Forget about capturing him alive, killing him is difficult enough.''

While the disciples exclaimed in resignation, Cheyenne looked to Zhu Bajie admiringly and was rendered speechless in excitement as she thought to herself, Sensing the admiration from Cheyenne's stare, Zhu Bajie's heart was instantly overwhelmed with pride. How satisfying this fight was!

''Zhu Bajie, don't get too excited just yet!'' A roar echoed through the sky just then, followed by a horrifying figure that approached with speed comparable to that of lightning. It was Zhang Jue .

''It's him?'' Zhu Bajie jumped at the sight of Zhang Jue. Hostility instantly appeared in his eyes as he said, ''Son of a b*tch. So it was you who lured me out pretending to be Chang Er?'' His expression darkened as he struggled to contain his anger.

Zhu Bajie might be a known lecher, but he was also a very sharp- minded man. The moment Zhang Jue had appeared, he immediately realized that Zhang Jue was the one pulling the strings behind everything. Chang Er was not looking for him to begin with, this was all a play to get him out here alone. Even after putting Darryl through so much torture and pain, Zhang Jue was not satisfied and had taken a step further to trick Zhu Bajie. How detestable!


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