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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 2985

Chapter 2985


Darryl looked in the mirror; he was stunned. His appearance had changed entirely, but there was no sign of a disguise.

The disguise by the Thousand Appearance Figure was so subtle! It was as good as the Transfiguration Powder.

Sara also did a simple disguise for herself. In the blink of an eye, she had changed from a charming goddess to an ordinary woman.

Darryl was admiring the effect after Sara had disguised herself!

After they got ready, Darryl and Sara entered the Royal City along with the other travelers.

"Little Sister!"

While they were on the street, Darryl looked at the surrounding area and said, "Let’s go our separate ways. Go and find out about the situation with the various sects, and I will go check out the palace!" The Empress had proposed to build the Profound Heaven Great Formation for the Nine Saint Oracles, and that was no trivial matter. People from all walks of life from the various sects in the Nine Mainland were there, and it was uncertain if anyone among them had sought refuge with the King of the Dead, so Darryl wanted to check that out.


Sara nodded and went on to investigate the news.

After Sara walked away, Darryl took a deep breath and quickly approached the palace.

It was already late evening, so Darryl was not in haste to get into the palace. He was patiently waiting for nightfall.

Darryl decided that when it got dark, he would start investigating Lord Kenny's latest news. After all, the man had acted suspiciously. As soon as the South Cloud World Empress issued the edict, he had brought his delegation to the South cloud World as if he got the news beforehand.

• • •

At that moment, in the Heavenly Grace Palace within the South Cloud World Palace...

The Heavenly Grace Palace was located in the South Cloud World Royal Palace, and they specialized in receiving foreign visitors. Lord Kenny, as the New World Emperor, was arranged to be in that smaller palace.

Lord Kenny was sitting in the palace with a gloomy expression.

A dark shadow with an evil spirit stood in front of him. The shadow wore a cunning and insidious look; it was Hansel, the King of the Dead's envoy.

"Lord Kenny!"

Hansel said, "The King of the Dead has an order for you. You're at the South Cloud World to destroy the Profound Heaven Great Formation and turn the South Cloud World Empress into his follower."

After that, Hansel retrieved a pill and continued to say, "Get the South cloud World Empress to take this Dark Underworld Pill, she would be under His Majesty's control once she takes this pill."

Then, Handed handed the pill to Lord Kenny. Then, he turned around and left after giving a few more commands to Lord Kenny. 1

After Gath left, Lord Kenny looked at the Dark Underworld Pill in his hand and sank into deep thoughts. 3

The entire palace was shrouded in darkness; it was in the middle of the night.

Darryl was hiding in the dark; he had been waiting for two hours.


Darryl flashed and rushed into the gate without much consideration; he wanted to take advantage of the changing guards at the palace gate.

After he got in, Darryl headed straight for the Heavenly Grace Palace.

Darryl had been the South Cloud World's Prince Consort and was very familiar with the palace. He knew that the Heavenly Grace Palace was a place to receive significant guests. He believed that Lord Kenny, who was the New World Emperor, must be there.



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