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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3033

Chapter 3033

The Mirror Devil was chopped in half by the Heavenly Halberd. However, in the blink of an eye, it reformed. It was so strange. 1

‘sh*t, what is happening?’ Darryl thought.

The more he fought, the more worried he became. Then, he activated the White Lily Cold Flame, but it was still the same. The Mirror Devils were not affected at all after being burnt by the white Lily Cold Flame.

Yennie, who was still fighting, shouted, “Darryl, the Mirror Devils are formed from the evil aura here.

They’re demon spirits and don’t have a real body, so you can’t deal with them in a normal way. Didn’t you consume the Chaotic Yin Yang Bead from Empress Nuwa? Use the energy from the Yin Yang Bead to attack them!”

The Chaotic Yin Yang Bead contained a spiritual aura from heaven and it was something that the Mirror Devils feared the most.

‘That’s right. How could I forget that!’ he thought, blinking.

Instantly, he activated the energy of the bead.


He raised his right hand slowly and a bright ray exploded out of it. He punched the ray at the Mirror Devils. The Mirror Devil, who had transformed into Sarah, felt the Yin Yang Bead’s energy and became terrified out of instinct. Its face changed as it retreated immediately. However, it was too late.


The Mirror Devil was punched hard and it sent the Mirror Devil flying through the air from the force. It flew meters away before it crashed into the muddy swamp.

Struggling to stand up, the Mirror Devil looked closely at Darryl in disbelief. “You...have a heavenly aura? How could a human have a spiritual aura from heaven?”

A cold grin appeared on Darryl’s face as he stared at the Mirror Devil. “You don’t need to know. Where is my sister and brother, Andy?”


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As he spoke, he raised both his hands and activated the Chaotic Yin Yang Bead energy again. His body was covered with a strikingly bright ray.

“You are that lady’s brother? You want to know where they are? You won’t know unless you catch me. Ha-ha -ha!” the Mirror Devil stared at him.

Then, it turned into a black light and ran away.

At the same time, the other Mirror Devils could no longer withstand the eight Oracles’ attack. They split up and ran off in different directions.

“You’re running away?” Darryl snorted as he glared at the Mirror Devil that was transformed into Sarah and ran after it.

He knew that since the Mirror Devil could transform into Sara and Andy, it would know where they were. He had to capture one of them no matter what. He chased after the Mirror Devil, and without realizing it, they had left the swamp.


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