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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3053

Chapter 3053

Without the nascent soul, she would no longer be a Nine Saint Oracle, she could not let King of the Dead’s evil plan come true.

“Stop!” Xenia shouted.

“Stop immediately!” the other Oracles shouted.

They tried to free themselves, but they were tied up tightly and could not move a muscle. However, the more they shouted, the more delighted the King of the Dead was.


After the King of the Dead absorbed the soul, Yennie’s body slowly started glowing. Then, a small figure appeared and the shadow was gold and shiny, containing incredible powerful spiritual energy.

That was Yennie’s nascent soul.

“Ha-ha, don’t you worry! Once I absorb hers, you’re all next! ” The King of the Dead grinned like a mad man.

The appearance of the nascent soul meant his absorption was close to succeeding.

“This won’t end well for you...” Yennie felt her nascent soul power decreasing significantly as she looked furious and hopeless.

At the same time, Xenia and the others were bawling, feeling enraged and full of sorrow. They could not stand by and let this happen.


Just as the King of the Dead was about to finish absorbing Yennie’s soul, a strong aura appeared behind him. Then, someone charged at him as fast as lightning and punched him!

It was Donoghue!

In the past, Donoghue would not have dared to ambush the King of the Dead. However, he saw the King of the Dead was busy absorbing Yennie’s nascent soul, so he was completely distracted. Donoghue would not miss this perfect opportunity!


Once he arrived, a strong aura exploded from Donoghue’s body.

The King of the Dead was shocked when he felt movement behind him.

“Who’s there?! ” the King of the Dead shouted as he turned and saw Donoghue.

Donoghue had taken over Florian’s body and at that moment, he looked exactly like Florian. As such, the King of the Dead could not recognize him, so he was furious and shocked. 1

‘This man is fearless. How did he break into my cultivation prayer altar,’ the King of the Dead wondered.

At that moment, Yennie and the other Oracles trembled in shock and rage as they stared at Donoghue. During the battle between Florian and Kenny at the prayer altar in the South Cloud World royal palace, Florian used a nascent soul power. It was at that moment, the eight Oracles realized he was Cynthia’s real murderer. They were incredibly shocked to see him here.

Donoghue had not noticed the angry stares from the eight Oracles as his gaze was locked on the King of the Dead.

“Your Majesty, there are eight Oracles here; are you sure you can digest them all? Why don’t you share two of them with me?! ” Donoghue said as he quirked a smile, unable to hide his crazy behavior and excitement.


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