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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3081

Chapter 3081

Weston, who stood next to white Horse, said, "Yes, you must explain about Zoey."

Weston and white Horse looked at each other discreetly as they insulted Darryl. They were both extremely excited.

Darryl had apologized for his mistake that had cost Dark cloud city's defeat, but they might not forgive him. However, it would not be as easy to clear his name if he was involved in defiling Zoey.

Darryl took a deep breath; he could not hold back his seething anger as he yelled, "I admit that it was partly my fault that Dark Cloud City had fallen, but I did not sully Zoey. I will not be penalized for what I did not do. II

Darryl was choked with resentment.

He would not admit to something he had not done; he would not give in to such pressure.


Everyone's blood boiled when they heard Darryl.

"The evidence is clear that it was you who did it! How can you be so stubborn?"

"I don't think he will repent until it's too late..."

"I was rather impressed that he admitted his negligence, but now..." someone chuckled.

Everyone chimed in, condemning Darryl. Quincy, who had been silent, could not take the nonsense anymore. Her delicate body dashed toward Darryl in a flash, her jade-like hand lifted and jabbed Darryl's acupoint. 1

Snap! Snap!

Quincy moved quickly, and Darryl's reflex was not fast enough. He convulsed and froze in place. 1

Darryl was surprised and upset. He had expected White Horse or Weston to ambush him, but he had never expected it to be Quincy. 1

At the same time, Andy and Sara1 s acupoints were also jabbed; they could not move.

"Darryl!" Quincy's lovely face seemed to be full of contempt. "You are such a disappointment."

Like everyone else, Quincy also believed that Darryl had sullied Zoey. she would have given him credit if Darryl dared to admit his wrongdoings. However, he had blatantly refused to repent, and that irked Quincy. •

'What? Did she say that she's disappointed in me?'

Darryl was amused by the remark, but he did not bother to explain himself.


White Horse shot Darryl a cold glance and addressed the crowd. "This wayward Darryl has committed a terrible sin. what should we do with him?"

Weston and the others responded to white Horse eagerly.

"Let's kill him!"

"This b*stard is a shame to the cultivator's world in the Nine Mainland, and his evil doings should not be tolerated."

"Execute him on the spot!"

The comments continued to pour; Darryl was furious. His unforgiving eyes were locked on to white Horse. 'F *ck! That White Horse is a sly fox. He has deliberately slandered me, and now he wants me dead!'

At that moment, Darryl was even more confident that White Horse was involved in tarnishing Zoey's innocence. He was anxious because they had framed him, and he had nothing to prove for his innocence.

Andy and Sara were next to Darryl; they were equally anxious. They wanted to stand up for Darryl, but their acupoints had been jabbed—they were in a helpless state.

White Horse laughed; he was unspeakably excited by how things had developed. Then, he turned to Quincy and said, "Your Highness, Darryl is a felon, and he should be killed for what he has done. It is up to you to decide how we should execute him."


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