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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3240

Chapter 3240

Damien's spirits lifted and he walked in quickly, smiling when he saw the situation in the room.

He saw Lolita was blushing and looked energetic.

“Grandfather! I feel much better. Did Adolf save me?” Lolita called out softly when she saw Damien.

Before the medicinal bath, Lolita was so weak and was unconscious most of the time, so she was not aware of the situation.

“Ha-ha, good! It wasn’t Adolf; it was another young gentleman.” Damien was excited.

Then, he turned around and shouted at Darryl, who was outside, “Mister, please come in quickly.”

Damien was so happy he forgot his granddaughter was still soaking in the wooden barrel. Her entire body was soaking wet and it was not appropriate for Darryl to enter.

Darryl smiled and walked in when he heard a shout.1 Was it successful?’

Both Adolf and Jack were shocked as they stood outside. They thought Darryl was just buying time and he would not be able to save anyone. They had not expected he would succeed in curing Lolita.

When he entered the room and saw what was in front of him, Darryl could not help but take a cold breath. He was completely stunned.

Lolita was still soaking in the barrel, and compared to her previous weak state, she looked like a totally different person, she was indescribably beautiful, especially her alluring body, which was revealed in the water.

Lolita blushed when she saw Darryl was staring at her.

“Hey! What are you looking at? Have some manners please,” Laura yelled at Darryl.

Darryl calmed down, feeling embarrassed.

“Ha-ha-ha! It’s my fault. I was so happy, I forgot Lolita had not changed her clothes,” Damien said casually, laughing.

He held Darryl’s hand and walked out of the room.

"What is your name? where did you come from?" Damien asked politely, no longer showing his arrogance.

"My name is Darryl, I’m...I'm a wanderer!" Darryl thought for a while, then replied.

‘It's better not to mention what I experienced at Alandis,’ he thought.

Damien nodded with a smile and continued to ask, " Alright. I heard that you were seriously injured earlier and Adolf rescued you?"

"Yes!" Darryl scratched his head as he was thinking and composing a lie at the same time. "I was riding on a boat passing through Pearl Harbor. I was robbed by a gang of pirates unexpectedly. In the end, I fell into the sea and I forgot everything that happened after." 4


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