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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3339

Chapter 3339

Yalena waved her hand and said, "Well, you can go now!" "Yes, Your Highness, Goddess of Light!" the 12 paladins responded in unison before they set off for the continent.

Meanwhile, at the Crescent Moon Principality, the King was drinking wine in his palace in the royal city. In front of him were several beautiful women dancing gracefully.

At that moment, a guard rushed in with a panicked look on his face. “Your Majesty, the army of the Day Rise Principality has breached two of our cities.”

The guard was sweating profusely and his voice trembled as he spoke.

The King’s heart skipped a beat at the news and he sat upright immediately.

“The soldiers of the Day Rise Principality are so strong?” he said angrily.

Just a day ago, the King heard news that the Day Rise Principality was about to attack them. However, he had not taken the news seriously as the six principalities of the Roland Continent were all equally powerful. Even if war were to break out, it would not last long.

"Your Majesty! The strength of Day Rise Principality is about the same as ours. However, they have support from the Goddess of Light and their morale has greatly increased. They have become so powerful our guards could barely defend themselves against their attack,” the guard said cautiously as he wiped away his cold sweat.

‘Goddess of Light?’ The King trembled. 1

"What you said is the truth?" He looked at the guard closely.

"Every word is true. Our soldiers who had been defeated saw the Goddess of Light with their own eyes. It is said she is beautiful and her power is beyond imagination,” the guard replied.

The King took a deep breath, completely stunned. ‘The Goddess of Light is supporting the Day Rise Principality? I thought it was only rumors; I didn't expect it to be true. It's just...why does the Goddess of Light support the Day Rise Principality?’

The more he thought about it, the more confused the King became. After a few minutes, he calmed down and said, "Hurry. Send envoys immediately to ask for help from the other principalities."

‘We are all closely connected. If the Crescent Moon Principality is destroyed, other principalities will be in danger too. They can’t just leave US alone and not help,’ the King thought.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" the guard responded and walked out of the palace quickly.

At that time, the King was not in the mood to watch the dance anymore and waved his hand to signal it to stop. "Enough! All of you leave now!"

Losing two cities at once was a headache for him.

After half an hour, the request for help from the Crescent Moon Principality spread to the other four principalities quickly. In an instant, all the principalities were surprised. However, only two principalities promised to send their soldiers in support.


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