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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3408

Chapter 3408

"Alright, that's enough. I—" Angeline said with a slight frown, she was interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from outside.

Dennis frowned and gestured for one of his men to check it out. The man went to the front of the cave and said shakily, "Young Master, I see men from the same group as the people from before."

The expression on Dennis' face changed drastically, and he quickly exited the cave with his men, with Darryl and Angeline following from behind. Once outside, they became stunned at the sheer number of men standing at the cave entrance. There were at least 400 men, and they had completely blocked all the exits.

Leading the group was a sinister-looking man with a wolf-head mark on his forehead. He was Butch Lee, Team Butch Lee's team leader. Kit stood behind; his face had become half-swollen. He even padded his shoulder with sandbags making him look extremely absurd. 1

However, Dennis was in no mood for laughter.

"Boss!" Kit shouted vehemently as he pointed at Dennis. "That's him. We were here first, but he chased US away. He even took out some of our brothers!"

Butch scanned each one of them coldly before resting his gaze on Dennis. "You must be tired of living if you dare to cross the Blood Wolf Group. How do you suggest we fix that?"

Suddenly, powerful saint energy exploded from Butch's body. Dennis and his men gasped out in horror when faced with his aura.

After a few seconds, Dennis forced out a smile and said, "There's no need to be so rash, Your Excellency. There must be some sort of misunderstanding— "

Butch did not wait for him to finish what he was saying and interrupted him coldly. "Misunderstanding? You stole our cave and injured my men. Those are hardly misunderstandings."

Dennis' face turned beet red, and he was momentarily rendered mute. Angeline started to panic as well. Even though they were not far from the capital, she knew it would be difficult to call for backup when faced with so many opponents.

Butch glared at Dennis and said, "I heard that you're the son of the garrison's commander-in-chief."

"Yes, that's right." Dennis nodded furiously and forced another smile. "Maybe Your Excellency knows my father? I'm sure he will be happy if you forgive me—"

Without waiting for him to finish, Butch spat on the ground. "As if I would ever do that!"


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