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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3417

Chapter 3417

Ten minutes passed very quickly, and suddenly the ceramic pot started to vibrate. All the maids cried out in shock and promptly took a few steps backward. They thought the ceramic pot would explode but then realized no such thing would happen and that the vibration was due to the high-temperature air currents flowing through the pot.

Darryl smiled and opened the lid. The Queen and her maids went forward to take a better look, and the whole room was completely silent for a second. Then, they all gasped and looked at Darryl with respect and admiration. He had done it!

At the bottom of a pot was a round pill emitting a sweet fragrance that filled up the whole room. Yes, it was none other than the Heart Tempering Pill.

"Your Majesty, please take this," Darryl said, offering the pill to the Queen.

The Queen ate the pill and instantly felt better. Colors returned to her cheek, making her more beautiful than ever.

"Darren, I never would have guessed you possessed such knowledge. I've completely recovered after taking the pill. You're truly the pride of the Golden Lion Principality!" the Queen said gently with a smile on her face. Her eyes, however, told another different story.

Darryl became excited at the Queen's praise and wanted to use that opportunity to ask for the Holy Jade Scripture.

"However!" The Queen continued in a frosty tone; her face darkened just when Darryl got carried away. "How do you plan to explain the little excursion you took with Angeline?"

Darryl was stunned and felt his heart go cold. 'Oh, no! I thought we could get away with it, but she knew all about it all along!'

Then, he said, "Please don't be angry, Your Majesty. I took her out to cheer her up. I have no other intention."

The Queen's beautiful face remained emotionless. "She's young and not familiar with the ways of the world. But you should know better about how dangerous it is for her to go outside."

Then, without missing a beat, she shouted furiously, "Guards, throw him into jail for two weeks as an example!" That would teach him to break the rules and go behind her back. Angeline was her only family, after all. she must punish him to let everyone know where the royal family stood in that matter.


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