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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3445

Chapter 3445

"You—" Madame Pandora's anger intensified with each passing second. "Death will come for you soon!" How would she ever live that down? She tried to soothe herself with the thought that the poison passed from her body to his would soon kill him. That should be punishment enough.

Darryl went still with shock. In the heat of the moment, he had forgotten about what Marshall had said—that there was poison in her body. However, he quickly told himself he had nothing to worry about because his body was immune to any poison.

He smiled and said, "My dear, a taste of your beauty makes even dying worthwhile." He laughed and walked forward to the table, poured himself a drink, and slowly drank from the cup. 3

"You—" She was filled with shame and anger again. How could he still talk like that when the poison had already infiltrated his body? She decided not to say anything more and just waited calmly for the poison to do its work.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Ten minutes passed, and still, the poison did not affect him.

'How is that possible?' Madame Pandora thought in shock.

"Isn't that surprising?" Darryl asked with a smile as he put down his glass. "I have a very unique body composition which makes all poison ineffective against me. I'm afraid you'll end up disappointed if you're hoping for the poison to kill me."

Madame Pandora bit on her lips, not knowing what to say as a multitude of feelings coursed around her body. 'That answers the question of why he still dares to touch me after knowing I have poison in me.'

She observed Darryl until a blush appeared on her face. It was true she could not wait for him to die, but when she discovered he was immune to poison, her views on him had changed, she had not been with another man since the death of her husband, and Darryl had broken that dry spell. She found herself unable to hate him. After all, she was in the prime of her years, and that should not go wasted.

Seeing her silence and the change in her expression, Darryl asked, " Do you still want me dead?"

She did not immediately reply to him but took the time to put on her clothes. Then she bit her lips and said, "Leave now, Darren.

Let's pretend nothing ever happened tonight."

While it was true her feelings toward him had changed, she would never admit it to his face on account of her position.

"Don't worry, Madame. I won't say a word to anyone since you so graciously decided to let me go," Darryl said with a smile. Then his tone sharpened as he said, "However, I will make Marshall pay for scheming against me." 2

She was startled by that. "How did you know it was him?" she asked in a disbelieving tone, she was sure he was still unconscious when Marshall was there.


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