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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3638

Chapter 3638

The surrounding whispered discussions continued, but Rogart was indifferent to them. In the next second, he said, "I'm sure you're all familiar with the eight Oracles standing before us right now. They have been bestowed with the position of Kings and have been tasked with holding up law and order in the Heavenly Alliance. You may look for them if you want to register your sect under the alliance. By the way, it is not mandatory for any sect to join the alliance. Please do as you wish." 1

That caused another round of whispered discussion amongst the crowd.

"It's not mandatory? Well, things just got even more interesting- 11

"Who would join if that's the case? It's so much better to be an independent sect."

"You're right. However, if we join the Heavenly Alliance, we'll have the Godly Region's backing."

Ambrose looked indifferent and chuckled coldly to himself. 'That Rogart makes it sound as if setting up the Heavenly Alliance is for the good of the Nine Mainland when in fact, it is probably used to control the continent! The Godly Region didn't send any help when the King of the Dead was wreaking havoc in the continent, and now it's all over, they dare to come and tell US what to do? Huh! I

Dax laughed coldly and said, "All that grandeur, and for what? So that the envoy could be the Alliance Master of the martial arts world?" Then, he turned to Chester and asked, "What do you think, Brother Wilson?"

Chester took a deep breath and said indifferently, "Let's see how it goes." He had always been the cautious type; he decided to monitor the situation for longer.

At that time, Rogart spouted a few more pretentious words. He swept his eyes across the crowd, smiled, and said, "Well, any sects that wish to join the Heavenly Alliance may start their registration now."

As soon as he said that, many of the smaller sects could no longer contain the excitement in their hearts and began to shout.

"The Shadow Pavilion will join!"

"The Thunder Hall will join too!"

"Us too..."

In the blink of an eye, dozens of sects expressed their wishes to join the Heavenly Alliance. Each more urgent than the next. The more prominent sects, however, were all sitting there quietly.

Like Chester, the major sects were hesitant to join the Heavenly Alliance. After all, the world of cultivators was peaceful then, and each of those sects had at least thousands of years of heritage. Under such circumstances, why would they willingly let the Heavenly Alliance put a rein over them?

At that time, a figure walked toward the high platform and said, " The New World Royalswill join the Heavenly Alliance too!" It was Lord Kenny Brad. He was smiling and dressed in a golden robe.


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