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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3717

Chapter 3717

Empress Nuwa smiled faintly and said nothing while the Ancient Ancestor furrowed his brows.

"Ancient Ancestor, Empress Nuwa, I can explain all that. In the beginning, due to negligence from the Godly Region, the King of the Dead from the Ghost World managed to destroy the Nine Mainland's enchanted barrier..."

Tn the next half an hour, Darryl told them all that had occurred.

"Later, I found the place where Master Franklin was waiting for his ascension in the Roland Continent, and then I came to the Godly Region after completing the unfinished formation. At that time, I wanted to leave the Godly Region as soon as possible, and that was why I impersonated His Majesty. As for releasing those demons, I had no other choice since I did not want to be trapped in that place forever."

He took a deep breath, glanced at the demons on the execution platform. "When it comes to the grievances between the demons and the Godly Region, I think the godly battle was utterly avoidable, but to consolidate his rule, the Nine Heaven Emperor did not hesitate to break the peace to start a war. He forced those demons to surrender with his power.

"Even though I am only a human being, I know that all beings are equal by way of heaven. So I want to ask the Nine Heaven Emperor, where is our justice?"

Each word of his was beautiful, concise, and meaningful.

The Nine Heaven Emperor's face darkened. "You... you're nothing but an ant! What do you know about justice? All your words are bullsh*t!"

"Darryl's right! why won't you admit it, Nine Heaven Emperor? The battle wouldn't have happened if you just left US alone!" the White Tiger King shouted.

Colori Phoenix bit her lips and said, "You're nothing but a cruel, two-faced hypocrite! All you do is spout all those nonsense about peace while killing all those who dared to defy you. You put an enchanted barrier to hold US captive when we did not want to submit to you and tried to annihilate US after His Excellency freed us! It’s funny how a person like you can be the Godly Region's sovereign!"

The Nine Heaven Emperor's face darkened. "Blasphemy! All of those are blasphemy! I have only ever done what's best for the Godly Region!"

Darryl laughed sarcastically when he heard that. "As if! All the things you have done were to protect your position and rule!"

"What do you mean?" the Nine Heaven Emperor asked coldly.

Darryl remained calm and said, "About 30,000 ago, the Godly Region was originally ruled by your senior brother, Emperor Aurelias, but you wanted his position and made a bet with him. You won the bet with shameless means and forced him to enter the


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