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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3722

Chapter 3722

Nuwa walked forward and smiled, "Junior Brother, there's no need to panic. Even though Archfiend Antigonus is still alive, only his remnant thoughts remain. Therefore, his power has been drastically reduced. I'm sure he won’t have a chance at taking down the Godly Region if we present a united front."

Her voice was soft and gentle, yet a righteous aura spread throughout the Imperial sky Palace.

The Nine Heaven Emperor and the other officials present nodded vigorously in agreement.

"You're right, Senior Sister!" the Nine Heaven Emperor said firmly. He swept his eyes across everyone and loudly said, "I, the Nine Heaven Emperor, swears to take the lead and fight to the end if Archfiend Antigonus ever comes here!"

"We will follow you, Your Majesty, and fight to our death against all enemies," the officials roared. The righteous aura also influenced them.

The Ancient Ancestor nodded his head approvingly. Even though he knew that his disciple was arrogant and selfish, he would still pull through in times of need.

"Master, what do you plan to do about Emperor Aurelias, who is still trapped in the Immortal Tomb?" Nuwa asked. Kind to a fault, she cared about everyone.

The Nine Heaven Emperor lowered his head down in shame. After all, it was his fault that Emperor Aurelias was trapped in the Immortal Tomb. He was sure he would be punished after the Ancient Ancestor knew about the truth.

The Ancient Ancestor sighed and said, "Even though Emperor Aurelias is a righteous person, he is also stubborn to a fault. Maybe staying there longer will help cure him of his stubbornness, when that happens, I will free him."

The Ancient Ancestor's expression remained impassive while he said that. An existence like him had reached a state that ordinary people could not imagine; in fact, nothing in the world could ruffle him at all.

Furthermore, 30,000 years might sound like forever to a human, but it was just the blink of an eye to the gods. After all, the gods' lifespan was extremely long.

Under such circumstances, Emperor Aurealias' imprisonment in the Immortal Tomb might be a trivial matter for the Ancient Ancestors, but it was not something that Darryl could accept. 1


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