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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3833

Chapter 3833

Darryl took a deep breath and got straight to the point by telling Rogart everything about Dax. Finally, he asked, "Rogart, do you have any idea on how to save Dax? Or perhaps you have a spirited fruit on you?"

The spirited fruit contained the essence of heaven and earth. It would not only increase Dax's lifespan, but he would essentially undergo a rebirth. Then, Darryl would use the power of the fairy soul to help him expel the energy in his body without needing to worry about whether he could endure it or not.

"Your Excellency, what makes you think I can save him when even you can't do it? Besides, the spirited fruit is not lowly envoys like me. Only the Nine Heaven Emperor and Empress Heidi have the privilege to eat it. Might I suggest you go to the Godly Region and beg for one of the spirited fruits for Dax?" Rogart said indifferently, not bothering to hide the fact that he was not concerned with Dax's life or death.

Darryl took a deep breath and frowned. It was apparent Rogart had no intention of helping him. Well, he would just have to go to the Godly Region to get the spirited fruit. However, the passage of time in the Godly Region was completely different from the time in the Human World. One day in the Godly Region was equivalent to a month in the Nine Mainland. He was afraid that Dax could not wait until he made it back from his trip to the Godly Region.

'D*mn it! Rogart won’t help, and I won't make it back in time if I go to the Godly Region! what should I do?' He became agitated, but suddenly he thought of Ileana, the reigning King of the Dead. She was powerful and knowledgeable, so she must know what to do! Not wanting to waste any more time, he quickly bid Rogart goodbye and made his way to the Ghost World.

Meanwhile, in the Ghost World, Ileana traced the violent tremors in the deepest part of the Underworld to the Devil Sealed Mirror. Immediately, she ordered her men to seal all the Path of Lost Soul and strengthen the defense around the Underworld. 1

The Underworld's defense instantly doubled, and there were dozens of patrol teams patrolling the city's perimeter. It would not be a stretch to say that the entire Underworld was like a heavily guarded fortress.

At that moment, the sound of light footsteps came from the Path of Lost Soul. They belonged to an alluring woman dressed in a deep -purple tight dress that accentuated her figure, she was also emitting a dangerous cobra-like aura. She was none other than Kendall.

Half an hour ago, Kendall, Skylar, and Debra had arrived at Veridian Mountain. Skylar passed Kendall the ghost token so she could go scout for the Archfiend Antigonus' location. He did that as a precaution because he possessed the fiend soul, and his identity would be instantly exposed if he were to go there. He thought it would be best to go there once the location had been found.

"Huh? There's someone there!"

"Halt! Who dares to infiltrate the Underworld?"


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