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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3836

Chapter 3836

Meanwhile, Ileana sat impassively on her throne in the main hall of the Underworld in the Ghost World. The captains of more than a dozen patrol teams were lined up on both sides of her. They were reporting the day's inspections to her. Ileana had issued an order for the captains of the patrol team to report to her everyday ever since they fortified the Ghost World's defense. Soon, all captains were done with their reports.

Suddenly, one of the captains thought of something. He stepped forward and respectfully said, "Your Majesty, I was making rounds when a woman appeared and said that Chester had sent her to you to discuss an important matter, she even had the ghost token on her, so I was wondering if she managed to see you, Your Majesty."

'A woman sent by Chester?' Ileana frowned and asked, "What woman? I've never seen anyone of your description."

The captain's heart missed a beat when he heard that, and he started to panic. 'Sh*t! Has that woman tricked me? She must have an ulterior motive for lying to me!1

By then, Ileana also knew that something was wrong. "Tell me everything that happened," she ordered icily.

A jolt of fear went through the captain's body. He immediately got down on his knees and told Ileana all that had transpired in a shaky voice. Finally, he nearly burst out in tears as he said, "Your Majesty, she had the ghost token on her, so I didn’t think too much about it and let her into the city—"

"As the captain of the patrol team, how can you be so careless? How can you let anyone in without a thorough inspection?" Ileana's tone was heavy with anger. Then she decided to seal the entire city. "Quick, order them to seal the entire Underworld. We must find that woman no matter what!"

Even though she had no idea who the woman was, she could not shake the bad feelings about it. of course, she also had no idea that Kendall had already left the Ghost World.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" all the captains shouted in unison.

Meanwhile, at the entrance to the depths of the Underworld, the number of guards had doubled after Ileana issued the order to seal the entire city. The security inside and outside of the city was impeachable.

Suddenly, a powerful aura came from the distance, and a figure flashed by like lightning and infiltrated the Underworld. The figure arrived at the entrance to the depths of the Underworld. It was Skylar, albeit the ugly and old version of him.


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