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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3924

Chapter 3924

Cayden seemed oblivious to the commotion below him. The ghost of a smirk remained on his face as he stared at Chester. "What's that? Does Master Wilson want to be taught a lesson as well?"

Cayden looked smug as the words left his mouth.

He figured that he might as well grab the opportunity to take down Chester and Ambrose in front of an audience. That way, even if he failed to find Skylar, his efforts spent on that journey would not be wasted.

Chester's face darkened. He remained silent.

The air grew thick with tension as both men drew their swords. An epic battle was about to commence.

At that very moment, a ripple of energy suddenly came from a distance through the air in the night sky. It was immediately followed by a shadow that disappeared as swiftly as it came, almost at the speed of lightning.

A man could be seen approaching from afar. He had a robust, sturdy figure and chiseled features. He was handsome beyond words. The man was Skylar Blanc.

The sight of Skylar caught both parties off guard.

Speak of the devil, indeed! They could not believe he had appeared just as they had been looking for him.

At last, Cayden snapped back to his senses. As he pointed a finger at Skylar, he roared, "Skylar Blanc, you lowly piece of sh*t! You dare show your face still?"

Then, Cayden turned to face Chester. "Master Wilson, Skylar Blanc has stolen the Devil Sealed mirror. He has put all of humanity in grave danger, why don't we put our little battle on hold for now?"

Cayden was full of cunning little tricks. He had planned to capture Chester and Ambrose and then ambush the Five Poison Sect.

However, he had not expected Skylar to appear out of nowhere.

Cayden decided to request a temporary alliance to prevent the Carter family from joining forces with Skylar.

Chester scoffed coldly. It was neither an agreement nor a denial.

Chester had guessed Cayden's plans.

He was beyond furious at Cayden for hurting Ambrose. Yet when Skylar appeared, Chester had to hold his anger back for the sake of the bigger picture.

Chester did not plan to join forces with the Heavenly Alliance to defeat Skylar. Instead, he descended to the ground, sitting cross- legged, he began nursing Ambrose's wounds.

The rest of the Carter family hurried forward as well. They surrounded him, summoning protection for the two of them.

Cayden felt temporarily relieved. If Chester were busy tending to Ambrose's wounds, he would not have the chance to ally with Skylar. That way, Cayden would have less to worry about.

Cayden took a deep breath and called in Skylar's direction. "Cut the crap, Skylar Blanc. Hand over the Devil Sealed Mirror immediately, and return to the Heavenly Alliance with me."

Cayden knew how powerful Skylar was. Yet he was also aware that he was leading an army of over ten thousand elite practitioners from the Heavenly Alliance, and there was definitely strength in such numbers. 1

Skylar's face was entirely at ease. Slowly, almost teasingly, he said, "Oh, Cayden. Incompetent people who abuse their power like you don't even have the right to speak to me. Sure, I'll go with you to the Heavenly Alliance. Just so that Grunt can speak to me himself."

Skylar's eyes barely showed any emotion as he said those words. He looked utterly serene with silent arrogance.

Skylar had also been glancing behind him every now and then.

Half an hour ago, Skylar had gone ahead with the plan to lure the ancient poisonous centipede out. He had moved a little too fast, leaving the ancient poisonous centipede slightly behind.

Based on how fast the centipede traveled, he would have a few minutes before it got there. It was crucial that Skylar keep the Heavenly Alliance members there until those minutes passed.


Cayden's face burned in humiliation at Skylar's mocking words. He felt nothing but shame then.

"Heavenly Alliance members, heed my order!"


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