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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3933

Chapter 3933


At the command, the hundreds of thousands of people let out a loud cry. They summoned all their internal energy, charging in Chester's direction. Their screams were piercing enough to send a chill down one's spine!


At the sight of the approaching members of the Heavenly Alliance, Chester clenched his fists tightly. Had Grunt lost it, pulling a stunt like this? The plan had been for everyone to head to the Five Poison Sect together to capture Skylar and reclaim the Devil Sealed Mirror— that was the priority. Who did Grunt think he was, going against ground rules like that?

There were only a few tens of thousands of the Carters there. How were they supposed to take on the hundreds of thousands of members from the Heavenly Alliance?

Chester's rage grew by the second.

The Carters were definitely people of status in the Nine Mainlands. What would become of their pride, challenged by the Heavenly Alliance like this. Well, they would fight to the very end, even if it would mean a great loss of their energy!

"Listen up! Since the Heavenly Alliance insists on going against the rules, we shall leave no space for mercy as well! Attack!" Chester commanded. The Carters standing behind him began to channel their internal energy, charging forward to meet the attack A battle broke out between them and the members of the Heavenly Alliance.


Dax's eyes blazed scarlet, his grip on his sky Breaking Ax deathly tight as he soared towards the heavens in Grunt's direction. "You give my wife's life back to me!"


In the middle of his cry, Dax felt an overwhelming burst of internal energy. His sky Breaking Ax shone with a blinding glow, radiating a sinister aura that quickly enveloped Grunt.

At the same time, Chester as well as the other skilled practitioners of the Carter clan began to soar forward to join Dax in his attack on Grunt.


All that could be heard next were the clashing of weapons and anguished cries from both parties, soaring to and from the heavens and the grand.


The other sect leaders watched on, an unreadable expression across their faces. Many of them moved to retreat to a distance, watching from afar. To these people, Grunt may have been a tyrant, but he did, after all, come from the Godly Region. He was someone of frightful skill, and deserved to have his wishes obeyed.

Yet, not all the sect masters stood aside to watch!

"Members of the Elixir Sect, take orders!"

Just then, a handsome figure strode out wielding a white long gun. "Assist the Carters with their defense!"

Those words came from none other than the sect master of the

Elixir Sect, Andy Curtis.

Andy was firm friends with Darryl. He was a sincere, honest man. How could he stand and watch the Carters be defeated by an ambush from the Heavenly Alliance without doing anything?


His orders were met with a chorus in unison from the members of the Elixir Sect who were present. They drew their weapons, charging in the direction of the Heavenly Alliance horde.

At the same time, Zoey Jenn of the Famed Sword Manor spoke up as well. She cried out, "The Heavenly Alliance is clearly relying on cheating by strength in numbers, yet they claim to pride themselves on upholding the way of God. What a joke. Members of the Famed Sword Manor, take orders! Assist the Carter clan, and defend the oncoming attacks.

Upon seeing the Elixir Sect and the Famed Sword Manor clearly stand on the Carters' side and were helping them, Grunt's face grew unspeakably grotesque.

Quite some friends you have here, Darryl Darby.

Well, he decided, he would take them all down at once!

At this thought, Grunt's demeanor grew ferocious as he cast an ice- cold smirk towards Chester. "Even if you were to join forces now, nothing will change the fact that you will be wiped out!"


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