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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3945

Chapter 3945

Princess Dorothy was already in a bad mood, and she got even angrier when she saw Darryl staring at her without blinking, she said coldly, "Darryl, if you keep looking at me like this, do you think that I won't kill you?"

Darryl said with a faint smile, "If you kill me, who will take you to the Nine Mainland to find Grunt?"

Darryl continued with a cynical look on his face, "And let me be clear that Гт not interested in you at all. You know, in the Nine Mainland, I have a lot of female friends, all of whom are beautiful, gentle and elegant, so much better than you. Even if you really want me to look at you, I'm not willing to either."

After saying the last sentence, Darryl closed his eyes.

"You..." Princess Dorothy's face turned red from the anger.

She thought, 'What an arse! He was the one who took advantage of me and now he's saying something sarcastic.'

However, Princess Dorothy saw that Darryl was completely shameless, she could do or say nothing anymore. After all, she needed to rely on him to go to the Nine Mainland.

She bit her lips and began to change her clothes.

Finally, she changed her clothes and said flatly to Darryl, "Well, we can go out now. But before leaving the Jade Fairyland, you have to listen to me. If you meet any patrolling guards, don't say a word."

Since she grew up in the Jade Fairyland, Princess Dorothy knew the environment here like the back of her hand. She was just afraid that Darryl would not cooperate.

"Okay, it's up to you." Darryl nodded with a smile.

He then followed Princess Dorothy out of the room.

When they were outside, Darryl could not help taking a deep breath when he saw the scene in front of him.

It was already late at night, but because of the approaching wedding, the entire Jade Fairyland was still brightly lit. Many maids were still busy setting up the wedding venue.

In this case, Princess Dorothy and Darryl were taken as one of the busy servants, drawing no suspicion to them.

Soon, they arrived near the back door of the Jade Fairyland.

Princes Dorothy's spirits rose. Her tone softened, "Once we get out of this door, we will be out of the Jade Fairyland."

Darryl nodded with great excitement as well.

Finally, he could finally leave.

However, at this exact moment, sounds of the ground vibrating came from outside, and then a huge figure appeared in front of them.

Darryl was shocked and completely stunned upon seeing that thing.

The huge figure was more than three meters tall and looked like a black bear. Its head looked like a kylin, and its limbs were similar to that of an ape. Moreover, its hair was a mix of gold and silver.

What was this thing? It looked like it resembled something, but also nothing at all at the same time.


Just as Darryl was complaining in his head, Princess Dorothy trembled and whimpered in a low voice. Fear flashed across her eyes.

Darryl frowned and asked, "What?"

She rolled her eyes and glanced at Darryl, as if she was looking at a fool. "You didn’t even know what it is? And you’re the Nine Heaven Sage?"


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