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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3949

Chapter 3949

That made sense.

Jade Immortal nodded abruptly. His eyes sparkled as if he had realized something. "I've heard that the Nine Mainland is a vast land of abundant resources and delicacies. Is that true?"

Darryl nodded and said, "That's right, all nine continents have their own customs and cultures, not to mention the number of local delicacies."

Jade Immortal's eyes glowed in excitement as he smacked his lips in anticipation.

Darryl smiled when he saw that.

'That greedy immortal, getting all excited when he heard about food. What an interesting guy!' Darryl thought.

Princess Dorothy, on the other hand, was getting anxious.

'How do you still have the time and energy to chat about food with Jade Immortal?' she thought as she pinched Darryl's arm.


Darryl gasped as he glared at Princess Dorothy, "what's that for?"

"We're stuck here, and yet you still have the mood to chat about food? What is Grandmaster thinking, giving you the title of Nine Heaven Sage?" Princess Dorothy scolded him.

Darryl stared resignedly at a distance when he saw the Kunmeng pacing outside the Royal Food Palace entrance.

Darryl jumped and said, "Senior, are you able to distract the Kunmeng that's pacing outside? If you help US leave Jade Fairyland, I'll repay you with delicious meals in the Nine Mainland. It

"The Nine Mainland is filled with delicacies. Gaia Continent has its own top ten specialty food—stewed pork, steamed preserved meat, hazel hen soup—"

"Really?" Jade Immortal perked up in enthusiasm.

Jade Immortal did not have any intention of helping Darryl at all. After all, they were just passersby in each others' lives. However, his love for food was above everything else. He was tempted when he heard the dishes' names.

"Senior, you are a master; I dare not to deceive you." Darryl nodded in all seriousness.

Jade Immortal was delighted. He said in utter confidence, "Leaving Jade Fairyland is a piece of cake."

Then, Jade Immortal slowly raised his hands toward the sky.


A magical beam of light burst from Jade Immortal's body. The light expanded gradually, eventually surrounding Darryl and Princess Dorothy.


Darryl was ecstatic and astonished when the light surrounded his whole being.

Initially, he thought he could get Jade Immortal to distract the Kunmeng so he and Princess Dorothy could escape Jade Fairyland. He did not expect Jade Immortal to be so powerful that he could teleport them out of it.

Princess Dorothy was amazed too.

Jade Immortal—the well-deserved almighty god—had managed to activate the teleportation array in the Royal Food Palace. Even though Jade Fairyland was classified as a forbidden place within the Godly Region, it was surrounded by multiple enchanted barriers. Not even the Nine Heaven Emperor could not activate teleportation there, let alone regular gods. Yet Jade Immortal had done it.

They could see that Jade Immortal's power had reached an unimaginable level.

Princess Dorothy was amazed. However, her gaze toward Darryl sparkled with a tinge of doubt.

Darryl was an unreadable person. Moments ago, he seemed to be bantering with Jade Immortal, yet he was able to convince and even got Jade Immortal on his good side with just a few words.


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