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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 3974

Chapter 3974

It was late at night and the town was small, but it was still very lively and crowded. However, General Grunt felt only loneliness. The Princess he had admired was no longer perfect. Moreover, as a special envoy from the Godly Region and a Commander elected by the Nine Heaven Emperor, being captured by Skylar was an embarrassment to the Godly Region. Those incidents replayed in his mind, eroding his nerves like he was under a spell. 'Why? why did that happen?'

As he struggled internally, suddenly there was a pressure from the sky and a powerful force covered the entire town. At that moment, everyone walking the streets froze in place and wasshudder unable to move an inch; it was as if they were being disabled.

Witnessing the scene, General Grunt had sobered up. 'Is... Is Master Magaera here?'

Besides the Nine Heaven Emperor, only Master Magaera exhibited a sinister power even before revealing himself and disabling everyone in the town as he was still invisible. 1

As he murmured to himself, General Grunt saw dozens of figures emerging in the air. They were in uniforms and looked majestic while their leader was dressed in domineering purple-gold armor! It was Master Magaera.

Seeing Master Magaera had appeared, General Grunt swallowed and became nervous. As a matter of fact, he had a rather high position in the Godly Region and was even favored by the Nine Heaven Emperor, but he was still far behind compared to Master Magaera.

Master Magaera stared at General Grunt. "General Grunt, the Princess captured the Sect Master of the Holy Saint Sect, Reymond Lewis, and went to the Five Poison Sect to rescue you. where is she now?"

He asked with a straight face and did not show the slightest bit of emotion.

Two hours earlier, he had returned to the Godly Region after getting hold of Darryl. Then, he returned to the Nine Mainland again to search for Princess Dorothy. As he passed by that location, he found General Grunt walking on the street, disoriented, and decided to descend to the ground to ask him.

General Grunt started sweating and felt afraid after being questioned by Master Magaera. 'what should I do? How should I answer his question?'

After thinking to himself, he took a deep breath and said, "Master Magaera, after surrendering Reymond Lewis in exchange for myself, the Princess left immediately. I'm unaware of her whereabouts."

As he answered, he kept his head low and did not dare to lock eyes with Master Magaera. Though he had drunk a lot, he remained sober and was still aware that he could not inform Master Magaera of the Princess' whereabouts. He knew that Master Magaera would certainly bring her back to the Godly Region if he told him. It would then ruin their plan to live in seclusion and the Princess would be devastated. 1

Master Magaera frowned and looked at General Grunt with suspicion. "You don't know?"

General Grunt broke out into a cold sweat and gritted his teeth. "I truly do not know. Perhaps, she has already returned to the Godly Region."

"That's impossible! I just came from the Godly Region. If there were any news on the Princess' whereabouts, I wouldn't still be looking for her after so long!" Master Magaera denied.

Suddenly, he realized something and stared at General Grunt. "I have one more question for you."

General Grunt kept his head low and said respectfully, "Master, please ask."

"The Princess has always been wild and impulsive, but this time, she went all out to save you. She compromised the reputation of the Godly Region and surrendered Reymond Lewis to Skylar. All that for your safety, why would she do that?" Master Magaera appraised General Grunt as he spoke.


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