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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4027

Chapter 4027

"Yes, Your Highness!"

A few royal guards scrambled to carefully lift Skylar onto a horse before rushing back to the New World palace.

Meanwhile, in the Five Poison Sect.

After Kendall's escape, the remaining Five Poison Sect members slowly dispersed like a flock of birds as well.

One could not say they had not put up a great fight.

The battle only drew to an end around when day broke. All that could be seen of the Five Poison Sect, originally buzzing with life and rigor, was a tragic bloodbath. Bodies lined the ground, the air ripe with the disgusting tang of iron and decay.

Chester, his men, and the Hidden Hero Sect disciples let out a long breath of relief.

It was finally over.

The only regret had been letting Kendall escape, as well as allowing her to leave with the inner core of the ancient poisonous centipede.

"Ah, I almost forgot!"

A thought seemed to have struck Elder Wind as he cast a look at his surroundings. "Why hasn't there been any sign of Sect Master?"

The other Hidden Hero Sect disciples shift uncomfortably.

The plan had been for Veron to return to the Five Poison Sect alone and try to find a way to help Master Magaera escape before gathering with everyone.

Chester and the Hidden Hero Sect members waited for ages with no sign of Veron. They eventually had to leave because they had no other choice.

Master Magaera had escaped safely, but Kendall had gotten away. All that was missing was Veron. One could not help but feel something was amiss with the situation.

Chester and Yvette, along with the rest, looked at each other.

Indeed, they had fought for so long, and the battle was near over. Still, there was no sign of Veron. Could something have happened to her?

Chester was the first to react. He rushed to comfort Elder wind. " Calm down, everyone! I'm sure luck is on Master Veron's side, and no harm will come upon her."

Chester cast a look around the Five Poison Sect. "Those grounds look disturbed. Master Veron might have just run into a bit of trouble and simply gone into hiding. Let's search the grounds for any secret passages or tunnels."

Chester was not sure what could have happened to Veron. He only said those things to comfort the Hidden Hero Sect.

Elder Wind and Elder Fire glanced at each other. They nodded.

"Yes, Master Chester is right."

"Quick, let's all search the grounds. We must find Sect Master, even if it means turning the place upside down."

The Carter family members and the Hidden Hero Sect split up to search the Five Poison Sect.

In the middle of their search, the stone door at the Five Poison Sect altar entrance shattered to pieces.

The Carter family members and the Hidden Hero Sect members were startled by the noise. They immediately went there to see what had happened.

When they reached the altar entrance, everyone stood rooted to the ground, frozen in shock.

They saw a few hundred thousand soldiers. Each of those soldiers wore a silver helmet and wielded a long spear, looming tall and mighty. Chester recognized them immediately from the special badges on their chests.

The badges bore the crests of the South cloud World royal guards.


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