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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4036

Chapter 4036

"Veron Lange!" 1

Elder Fire, hot-tempered as he was, was the first to walk forward. He asked bluntly, "How do you know our sect's Ultimate Reflectionless Method?"

Elder Wind, along with the rest of the Hidden Hero Sect, turned their gazes onto Debra. Their eyes flashed with hostility.

Debra did not panic at all. She exhaled softly, speaking in a tone slow as molasses. "It was your Sect Master who passed the method to me."


Elder Fire and Elder Wind exchanged looks of mild confusion, along with everyone else.

Their Sect Master had passed those skills to her?

How was that possible? The Hidden Hero Sect's techniques were kept strictly within their circle of disciples. That was a known rule.


Elder Fire quickly came to his senses as he roared, "The ultimate Reflectionless Method is only known to the Hidden Hero Sect disciples and no one else. Besides, our Sect Master is not your friend. Why would she pass her skills to you?"

The rest of the Hidden Hero Sect disciples nodded in agreement.

"Exactly. Your explanation makes no sense."

"Something must be amiss!"

"You must have acquired them with less than savory methods. I suggest you come clean now."

The air rang with suspicions, everyone talking over each other. Chester was also confused, but he attempted to diffuse the situation with a smile.

"My fellow brothers of the Hidden Hero Sect."

Chester looked around, his gaze landing on Elder wind and Elder Fire. "I implore you to hold your anger. Debra is a close acquaintance of mine and the former Artemis Sect' Sect Master. I have always known her to be a woman of nobleness and believe she would never stoop as low as cheating her way into stealing anyone's skills. There has to be something more to the story."

Chester turned his gaze onto Debra. "I think you should tell them everything that happened, Debra."

Yvette also said, "Come on, Debra, out with it. Lest there be further misunderstandings."

Yvette and Debra were extremely close friends. Yvette did not know the entire situation, but she knew that Debra was not a thief.

After all, cheating was considered a gravely immoral habit.

Debra took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright."

Debra began to describe how she had fallen for Skylar's lies, how she had been trapped in the Franga Valley, and how Veron had gotten poisoned and plunged into the same valley.

She had planned only to tell everyone what happened after bringing them to the Franga Valley. Veron's death had brought immense grief upon her, and she had yet to recover from the mourning.

Yet, in the face of the Hidden Hero Sect's questioning, Debra knew she could not keep the truth hidden any longer.


Their Sect Master had died of poisoning?

Everyone was in shock. Their hearts sank as they stood rooted to the ground.

Debra exhaled, unable to contain her grief any longer. "I buried Veron in the Franga Valley before coming here. Come with me!" Debra began to rise, soaring in the direction of the Franga Valley.

The crowd followed her, not sparing a second of hesitation.

A few minutes later, at the Franga Valley.


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