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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4075

Chapter 4075

Oliver took a deep breath and said, "Haven't you heard? Your sister offered herself to Darryl last night and they've done the deed. How could you like him when's already your sister's man? Only 1 am your future and the man you belong to!"

'What? Mona went to Darryl last night and they even... No. That can't be. Mona is a wild girl, she even looked down on Daryrl and thinks he's a cripple, why would she have offered herself?' Leia trembled and froze.

She stood in silence while Oliver walked over again and held her hand. "Leia, though Darryl looks like a gentleman, he's actually a horny, weak man. You must be- "


Before he could finish his sentence, Leia got out of Oliver's grasp and heartlessly swung her hand onto his face.

"Oliver, Darryl is my idol whom I respect. I don't want you to slander him, and even more so, I don't want you accusing my sister. Don't speak to me ever again," Leia said coldly.

Immediately, she turned and left. Darryl was her hero. Even if her sister did offer herself to him, he would not have reciprocated her sister's reckless actions. After all, Mona had just become an adult and was still young. On the other hand, Oliver was being despicable by spreading these rumors.

Watching Leia leave, Oliver was furious and clenched his fist until his palm was almost bleeding. 'Fine. Since you refuse to believe me, I'll find the proof on my own. I swear I will find evidence of Darryl being horny.' 5

In the stone chamber, Darryl was dressed in a long, white robe and sat cross-legged. He looked inexplicably charming. Under Leia's caretaking, he was no longer in bad shape and his injuries had recovered quickly. Based on the progression, his broken leg would have recovered after two days and so would his fairy soul.

Then, Leia pushed open the door and said respectfully, "Your Excellancy, Father told me to pass on this message. He wants you at the stone castle."

She did not bring up what Oliver told her and was confident that Darryl was a true hero and what Oliver said was untrue.

'To the stone castle?' Darryl was stunned. "What am I supposed to do there?"

Leia chuckled. "I told Father about your situation. He was pleased to hear that and gathered the Commanders of the demon race to throw a celebration for you, Your Excellency."

Darryl burst out in laughter as he shook his head. 'White Tiger King was not a stranger, why is he so courteous?'

Then, Leia walked over and said, "Darryl, Your Excellency, everyone is there at the stone castle, waiting for you. You have no idea how all of our warriors look up to you. This celebration is meant for you. They'd be disappointed if you didn't show up."

At first, Darryl wanted to reject the offer, but after hearing what Leia said, he nodded. "Okay!"

Then, he left the stone chamber and walked to the stone castle together with Leia. Quickly, they arrived at the stone castle. Darryl was stunned at what appeared before his eyes.

In the massive castle, there were about a hundred seats filled with Demon Warriors and chiefs. The White Tiger King, who was seated on the throne far back in the castle, had a bright smile on his face. 1


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