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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4117

Chapter 4117

The White Tiger King's brows furrowed as he spoke in a sour tone. "Don't be so careless with your words, Colon Phoenix. Don't forget that the Red Sparrow Empress picked Darryl Darby to be her descendant and even passed on the Power of Bird Ancestor to him. You have also spent a decent amount of effort tutoring and teaching him your ways."

As he spoke, the other Demon leaders nodded their agreement as well.

"Exactly, think before you speak!"

"Darryl Darby has saved the entire Demon tribe. How could he be a pervert? ■

Colori Phoenix shook her head in the face of everyone's discussions. Then, she said thoughtfully, "Would I joke at a time like this? Darryl Darby

drugged Leia in the cave with the Essence of Delusion. He wanted to take advantage of her. It's a good thing that Oliver got there in time to rescue her.

"Leia was already deluded by the time I got to them. I gave her the Red Sparrow Pill, knocking her unconscious until now.

"Oliver and I returned to the cave after that. Darryl Darby was nowhere to be found, and there were signs that a battle had broken out in and around the cave. The place was littered with bodies. I reckon the fiend folks had captured Darryl Darby."

Colon turned to look at the Black Tortoise King. "Oliver told me that himself. You can ask him about it."

The stone palace fell deathly silent in an instance.

The Black Tortoise King and the White Tiger King exchanged glances, unable to hide their shock.

They did not expect something as awful as Darryl Darby trying to take advantage of Leia would happen.

The Black Tortoise king spoke up a few seconds later, keeping his gaze locked on Oliver. "Is that true?"

All eyes turned toward Oliver.

The Black Tortoise King took a deep breath and asked, "Oliver, is everything Colori Phoenix said true?”

"Yes, all of it!"

Oliver nodded immediately. "Yes, everything Colon Phoenix said is true. I was passing by the canyon when I heard strange noises from the cave and went to see what happened out of curiosity.

"Unfortunately, I saw Darryl Darby giving Leia the Essence of Delusion. He was about to tear her clothes off when I rushed in, and Leia was already deluded by then."

Toward the end of his speech, Oliver put on a furious expression. He spat out, "I could hardly contain my rage then, and scolded him. After that, I took Leia away and brought her to a valley. I tried to cure her of the Essence of Delusion, but my powers were limited, and there was nothing I could do. Fortunately, Colori Phoenix came in time and gave Leia the Red Sparrow Pill to calm her down."

The stone palace was abuzz with conversation immediately!

Darryl Darby seemed like such a loyal, benevolent man. Everyone could not believe that was his true colors. The Demon tribe even saw him as a hero, too! Their judgment must have been clouded.

"But-" The Black Tortoise King's brows furrowed as he shook his head.' According to what I know, Darryl Darby is not that kind of person."

Everyone turned to stare at the Black Tortoise King in confusion at his words.

All the proof was there. What else was there to suspect?

At the same time, the White Tiger King shook his head as well. "There must be more to that. I know Darryl Darby, and I don't think he would do something like that."


Oliver grew anxious and opened his mouth to speak.


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