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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4121

Chapter 4121


Was his father crazy? He wanted him to distract Yooda? Did he realize he would be sending him to his death?

It was as if he sensed Oliver's nerves; the Black Tortoise King tilted his head to whisper in a low voice. "This is your best chance to show your capabilities, Oliver. If you do well, you might still have a chance at redemption if Leia wakes up and the truth comes out. Got it?"

Oliver nodded even though he was reluctant to do it.

Then, the White Tiger King slowly made his way toward him. He looked at Oliver. "Do you think you can do it, Oliver?"

Oliver took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, I can do it. Don't worry, everyone. I'll lure Yooda into going somewhere else. There's no way he'll find our new territory."

Oliver's face was the picture of confidence as he spoke, though he was close to tears internally.

He did not want to take up the mission at all, but he had no choice. The Black Tortoise King was right. That was a chance he could not miss. If Leia woke up, it would be too late for him to do anything else.

He could only take up that opportunity and establish great results to make up for the wrongs he had done.


The White Tiger King nodded approvingly as he smiled at the Black Tortoise King. "You have such a good son! I'm so proud that the Demon tribe has such a brave warrior like him."

As he spoke, the other leaders nodded their heads in agreement.

The Black Tortoise King took in the cheers and compliments of the crowd with a smile on his face, but internally he felt torn.

Soon enough, Oliver had gathered close to a hundred warriors and took off for the new camp.

A few minutes later, they reached a place that was a little over ten kilometers from the new territory. Oliver and the Demon Warriors gasped at the sight that greeted their eyes.

They could see an army of fiends making their way forward. There were only a few thousand of them, but their aura was terrifying.

One of the twelve Fiend Martyr, Yooda, was at the front of the army. He was clad in black and red armor and emanated a bone-chilling force.

Yooda and the thousands of fiend warriors focused their attention on Oliver and his men when they saw them.

Yooda threw his head to the heavens and let out a raucous peal of delighted laughter. "Even the gods seem to be on my side today. I can't believe I ran into the Demon tribe this quickly. Come on, take down every last one you see." 1

The thousands of fiend warriors soared forward in Oliver's direction as the order rang through the air. Their aura pierced through the atmosphere, constricting the air.


Oliver's face paled instantly, but he tried his best to remain calm. With a loud roar, he turned to run.

His mission was to distract Yooda and lure him as far away from the new territory as possible. Therefore, there was no need to engage in battle with Yooda and his men.

The Demon warriors followed Oliver closely, soaring in a completely different direction from the new territory.

"Trying to escape?"

Yooda let out a cool laugh. "Do you think you can run?" He led the remaining fiend warriors and chased after Oliver

Half an hour later, after a fierce chase, Oliver and his men quickly found themselves trapped in a valley.

"You there!"

Yooda stared intensely at Oliver as he yelled, "No one can escape the great Yooda, not when I've got my sight set on you. Give up!" With a fierce burst of fiend energy, he charged in Oliver’s direction like a bolt of lightning.


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