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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4242

Chapter 4242

Lord Kenny's eyes were still wide open as his head hit the ground, rife with shock and contempt. He never thought he would die at Yvette's hands.


Yvette exhaled softly as she cast a cold glance at the body before her. She turned to kneel to the heavens-agony and grief were written all over her face. "I've avenged you, at last, Father. May you rest in peace in heaven."

Her tears streamed down her face as she finished her words.

Yvette had ached for revenge ceaselessly throughout the years. All her chances to do that had been affected by other affairs. She had finally gotten to do it. Of course, she would be overwhelmed.

A few seconds later, Yvette got up and made her way to sound the drum. That drum was only used for emergencies in the North Moana continent.

Shortly, a few New World generals came rushing into the room.

The generals' faces paled instantly when they saw the scene. Their brains buzzed blankly as they froze in genuine shock.

They saw Lord Kenny's body sprawled against a pole, covered in blood. The air was rife with the stench of blood. A little over ten meters away, Lord Kenny's severed head faced upward, drained of color, and his eyes were still wide open. It was clear that he had died a tragic death.

The Emperor was dead?

The same question rang through the generals' minds.

A few seconds later, one of the generals snapped back to his senses. He rushed forward to ask Yvette. "What's the meaning of this, Your Honor? Who killed the Emperor? Where is the killer now?"

The general's name was Gideon Norland, and he was Tobias Norland's twin brother. He was a powerful warrior, and he was loyal to Lord Kenny. The sight of Lord Kenny's body put him in a state of shocked fury.

Gideon did not suspect Yvette, and he thought someone else had murdered Lord Kenny. Lord Kenny and Yvette were Skylar's men, so they were unlikely to be rivals.

Everyone else's gazes turned to Yvette at once.

Yvette exhaled softly as her exquisite features remained utterly unmoving. Her tone was cold as ice. "I won't bother lying to you. It was me who killed the b*stard."

Yvette held back her grief and said, "Lord Kenny stole the throne from my father years ago, murdering him in cold blood. Following that, he went around starting wars everywhere, making himself a public enemy. I've avenged my father, and I do not regret it.

"Someone like him does not deserve to be king. I hope all of you will realize that and change your stance on things."

As she spoke, Yvette's expression was stone cold. Her figure radiated powerful royal authority.

Her aura was truly undeniable. The looks on the generals' faces shifted as their breathing grew shorter in her presence.

At the same time, they could hardly contain their shock.


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