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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4299

Chapter 4299

Darryl was as calm as still water. He looked at Sienna with a grin and said,' Don't be angry. It's not like I wanted this. It's what Diego told me when we first arrived here."

Darryl looked at the Sword Sect disciples and continued to say, "You have all seen it as well, right? I'm not trying to make anyone uncomfortable on purpose."

The disciples dropped their heads embarrassingly without saying a word.

Darryl was telling the truth. Diego did make Darryl kneel before him.

Sienna's face flushed in crimson, overwhelmed with embarrassment.

Even though Sienna was not at the scene when Diego had Darryl kneel before him, she knew Diego well enough to expect that. He was the senior brother, so he could be arrogant and overbearing at times. Darryl would not lie about it.


After the awkward silence, Sienna finally dropped to her knees before Olive, tossing her ego and arrogance aside.

"Senior Sister-" Sienna lowered her head and muttered, "I hope you can forgive me if I've ever offended you in the past."

Sienna's eyes were brimmed with tears.

Sienna did not expect a day where she would have to apologize to Olive or, worse, kneel before her.

Olive was frozen in place; she was speechless.

Olive realized that Darryl did it for her own good. It was so that she would not be bullied again in the future. She had to make sure she acted her part as well.

If she continued to be cowardly and obedient in every situation, she would only be looked down on by Sienna and the rest.

Sienna started to panic when Olive did not react at all. She looked at Darryl as if asking for help.

Darryl smiled and nodded in response. "That's what I'm talking about!”

Darryl did not ask Sienna to get up immediately. He looked at the rest of the disciples and said, "Sister Sienna did what she had to. What about the rest of you? What are you waiting for?"

Their faces turned and twisted upon hearing that, overwhelmed with a myriad of emotions.

After a short silence, the disciples kneeled and started apologizing.

"Senior Sister."

"Senior Sister, we apologize for our wrongdoings in the past. Please forgive us!"

"Please forgive US, Senior Sister!"

The last thing the Sword Sect disciples wanted was to put their heads down before Olive.

However, there were no other choices. Since Sienna abided, they would not survive in the Sword Sect if they did not do as they were told.

In that instance, ten or so Sword Sect disciples kneeled before Olive. It was a shocking scene, even though it involved only a handful of people.

Olive broke her silence and hummed firmly in response. She smiled proudly and raised her hand. "At ease, everyone."

Olive looked over at Diego, who was still unconscious. "Senior Brother is still out cold. Let him rest."

"Yes, Senior Sister"


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