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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4312

Chapter 4312

Khloris had just gotten out of the shower, and her long hair was a mess. Anyone who saw that would surely think of something else.

Who could it be?

In that instance, Darryl and Khloris were silently hoping whoever was out there would leave.


Then, one alluring voice said, "I passed by and heard fighting sounds from your room. I thought it was assassins from the Elixir Sect."

That voice belonged to Sienna.

The Sword Sect and Elixir Sect had always had grudges-Sienna's assumptions made complete sense.


Darryl and Khloris were shocked upon hearing that voice.

Sienna walked past the room earlier?

As they wondered in silence, another deep voice said, "What are we waiting for then? Let's go in now. We need to make sure the Deputy is safe."

Khloris shivered as her beautiful face showed a myriad of emotions.

She refused to be seen by the Sect Master and other disciples in that state.

Darryl was shocked too. 'F*ck! Sienna called Jedidiah over as well? She's obviously here to get revenge for embarrassing her and Diego earlier in the thatched cottage.'

Darryl was still in contemplation when ten or so disciples broke into the room. Jedidiah, Sienna, and Diego stood behind them.

Diego had brought Jedidiah with him.

When Sienna reported to Diego after hearing what happened inside the Sword Tower, Diego reported everything to Jedidiah without hesitation. He lied and said that an assassin had broken into the tower.

Jedidiah was shocked, summoned his elite disciples, and rushed to the scene.

Jedidiah's eyes were on Khloris and Darryl.

Jedidiah did not frown when he saw them. He looked at Darryl and then back at Khloris again and asked, "Deputy Sect Master, what's happening here? Why is he here?'

Jedidiah's face showed a myriad of emotions as he stared at Darryl with doubts in his eyes.

Jedidiah knew Darryl was Khloris' named disciple, but a named disciple's position was lowly in the altar and had no right to go to the Sword Tower.

However, it seemed like Darryl not only went into the Sword Tower, he even fought with Khloris.

Most importantly, Khloris' hair was wet and messy. She obviously had just come out of the shower.

Did Darryl sneak into her room and try to assault Khloris? No, that was impossible. He was only a named disciple. He would never have been able to even touch her.

Jedidiah thought to himself as his face darkened.

Khloris parted her lips to answer Jedidiah but gasped in pain as her body was too weak to handle anything at that moment.

'You're hurt?!"

Jedidiah was shocked. He quickly snapped back to his senses and asked Khloris, "Are you alright? Who hurt you? Where's the assassin?"

There were only Darryl and Khloris in the room, but Darryl was the last person Jedidiah had expected to hurt Khloris. He thought that the man with markings all over his face was just a lowly named disciple.


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