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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4338

Chapter 4338

After a few hours, Darryl finally arrived at Haze Mountain, at the edge of the Great East.

Haze Mountain was located north of the Great East and stretched on for many kilometers. One of the gorges was always cloaked in a fog due to the thickness of the forests that surrounded it. That was how it had gotten its name.

He had finally made it.

Darryl landed slowly. His gaze locked onto Haze Mountain as he was overwhelmed with emotion.

He had to pass through the gorge at Haze Mountain, and he would be out of the Great East for good.

At the thought, Darryl took a deep breath as he slowly made his way to Haze Mountain.

After a journey that lasted several hours, Darryl was pretty exhausted. He decided to enter Haze Mountain and find a spot to rest.


He had barely taken a few steps when he stopped. Darryl stared at the hundreds of meters ahead of him and frowned.

He saw a man and a woman at a clearing not far away. They had panicked expressions on their faces.

The man looked to be in his 20s, with handsome features. He was dressed in a green-gray shirt and wielded a curious-looking sickle. He had a bamboo basket on his back.

The lady looked slightly younger, around 18 to 19 years old. She wore a yellow dress that hugged her figure. Her exquisite features radiated youthfulness and charm.

The couple held hands as they walked on the clearing, eyeing the forest ahead of them with trepidation.

The girl looked terrified out of her wits. Her forehead was beaded with sweat.

It was apparent that the two of them had run into some trouble.

What had happened?

Darryl frowned. He could not help but mutter to himself.

Had they run into bandits?

Just as Darryl was pondering that, he heard a howl from the hills in the distance. It had started with one howl, and then it was quickly followed by a series of them. They rang through the forest and echoed in the air.

It looked like they had bumped into wolves.

Darryl seemed to have formed a plan in his heart. He flashed a smile and strolled in the direction of the hill.

"Excuse me!"

Darryl cleared his throat as he called out to the man and woman. "Have you run into some trouble?"

Darryl did not wish to meddle in other people’s business. However, the couple looked so scared they could hardly stand upright, so he decided to help them. After all, wanderers of the world were supposed to look out for each other.

The couple was startled when they heard him and turned around.

The sight that greeted them scared both of them immensely.

The girl clutched at the guy's arm and cried out, "Group Brother, is he a barbarian?" As she spoke, she looked Darryl up and down.

Darryl was streaked in blood and glowed red. Despite spending the past few days working hard to incorporate the Red Lotus Fayette energy to remove the red mark on his face, it still looked considerably terrifying to the average human being.

'F*ck me!'

Darryl almost laughed out loud.

Did he look that scary? To the point where people thought he was a barbarian?

"Young Lady!"

Darryl flashed a warm smile toward the girl and spoke gently. "I'm not a barbarian, just someone passing through this place."


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