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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4422

Chapter 4422


The two guards exchanged a glance. They stood frozen in shock.

How stupid was that servant? How could she get lost on the way to deliver spirit fruits to Empress Heidi?

One of the guards pointed in the direction of Empress Heidi's quarters.

They said, "That's Majesty's quarters. Keep walking straight, and you'll see it. This is the Jade Spiritual Realm, where the Ancient Ancestors are undergoing closed cultivation. It's off-limits!"

Then, the other guard piped up as well. "Please get out of here quickly. No one is allowed to loiter around here."

"Thank you, Honorable Guards."

The young lady seemed to be grateful, bowing to the guards before she picked up the basket to leave.

Then, she cast a look at the fruits, and an expression of grief crept onto her face. She sighed, looking extremely uneasy.

What was going on?

The two guards frowned. One of them finally asked, "Why aren't you leaving yet?"

The lady sighed again, pointing at the spirit fruits in her basket with a bitter smile. "These fruits only bear once every three years, and they're incredibly rare. Once picked, they have to be eaten within an hour, or they’ll go bad.

"I got lost and took too much time. Even if I send the fruits over now, they're not going to be fresh anymore. Empress Heidi will fault me forthat for sure.

"I’m just a young servant; I can't take the blame."

The lady began to weep as she spoke, making it hard not to sympathize with her.


The guards' expressions creased uncomfortably. One of them said, "Well, what do you plan to do then?"

The girl scratched her head. She walked forward to put the basket on the ground and spoke sincerely, "All I can do now is return to the orchard and pick the spirit fruits for the Empress again. I can't bring these back with me. If you could be so kind as to take care of them for me?"

As she spoke, the young lady eyed the spirit fruits. She said, "The fruits haven't gone bad yet, but they'll be bad by the time I get to Empress Heidi.

"Thank you for helping me out. I hope you can keep this a secret between us."

Then, the young lady bowed deeply before turning to leave.


The two guards exchanged looks of unease. They would never have expected something like that to happen, and when they finally came to their senses, the young lady had already soared off into the distance.

The guards looked at the basket. The fragrance of the spirit fruits wafted toward them, making their stomachs grumble and their mouths water.

"What should we do with that?" One of the guards spoke first, unable to keep silent any longer.

His gaze did not leave the fruits for a single second.

The other guard gulped, shaking his head. "How would I know? The servant told us to take care of them, didn't she? Let's split them and eat them."

"We can't do that! The fruits from the Spirit Fruit Orchard are only for the Emperor and the Empress. It's a breach of rules if we eat them."

"Well, how do you think we should take care of them then?"

"I... I don't know either."


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