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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4424

Chapter 4424

Ì would never dare to lie," the cultivator squeaked.

Chester took a deep breath. He waved a hand to dismiss the young man and cast a look around him. "What do you think?"

"Brother Chester!"

Dax was the first to stand up. His face was overwhelmed with emotion." Isn't it obvious? There has to be something going on with Yvette. Why else would she have disappeared without any news at all for so long?

"While we're on that, I had my suspicions from the first time she returned to the New World Palace alone. Why didn't she ask for our help at all?

"The same thing happened when she went to the North Moana Continent, leaving without saying much beforehand. I suspected she had betrayed Darryl and became allies with Skylar discreetly. We know Kendall betrayed Skylar, and that's why Yvette was hellbent on hunting her down."

Dax's face was flushed red with emotion.

Dax was a straightforward man and said whatever was on his mind regardless of who he spoke to.

The great hall fell silent once again.

Dax had a point. Could Yvette have betrayed Darryl and fallen into cohorts with fiend folks?

The hall was so silent one could hear a pin drop.


Finally, Chester snapped back to his senses. He turned to Dax to speak in a reprimanding tone. "Don't say things like that. Yvette feels so strongly and deeply for Darryl. How could she ever betray him?"

He understood who Yvette was-someone who loved and hated fearlessly. She had a sense of steel-like perseverance and would never do anything to betray Darryl.

Dax took a deep breath before saying, "Don't try to stand up for Yvette anymore at this point, Chester. When the New World shifted, and Janson's grave reemerged, the entire Nine Continents found out that Janson had been one of the fiend folks, and everyone from the New World Royals, including Yvette, was a fiend descendant.

"By the bond of her ancestors' blood, it's no surprise that Yvette became allies with the fiend race."


Chester opened and shut his mouth, unable to think of a response. Dax was right. The New World Royals were fiend descendants, which was news that the entire Nine Continents knew about. On top of that, Yvette had even gotten Janson's inheritance.

Amidst his hesitation, Chester spoke slowly, "How's that-no matter what's going on with Yvette right now, we take protection first."

Chester turned to address the young man. "Send someone to inform Debra at the Hidden Hero Sect. Tell her to lead a team of elites to the Carter family members."

The Hidden Hero Sect was powerful, and the Carter family members would be able to turn the worst of situations.


At the order, the young man acknowledged it before striding out of the hall briskly.

"Brother Chester!"

Yvonne bit her lip and whispered, "You suspect Yvette too? You think she will help the fiend race take down the Carter family members with her New World army?"

Chester opened his mouth to speak, an unreadable expression on his face.

However, before he could say a single word, they heard a loud crash outside. Something had destroyed the main gate!


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