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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4539

Chapter 4539

’Your Excellency!"

After a few minutes of silence, Ganon stepped forward and said respectfully, 'I think Blaise must have betrayed the fiend race. He must have gone to the Infernal Shadow Prison to rescue Darryl.

'But everyone knows how dangerous the Infernal Shadow Prison is. There are the Four Evil Beasts there. Even if Blaise and Darryl join forces, they still can't escape death."

Then, Ganon said thoughtfully, "In my opinion, the most important thing right now for US is to deal with the Godly Region. Darryl is dead. Our biggest problem is also gone. Also, the Ancient Ancestor's fairy soul is still with us. We are invincible."

Archfiend Antigonus was delighted. He smiled and said, "Ganon is right. We have victory in our hands. However, we have less than 20,000 warriors. How are we to win if we fight them head-on?”

Ganon scratched his head. "We could use the Ancient Ancestor's fairy soul to blackmail that Nine Heaven Brat."

"No!" Yooda, who had been silent, immediately stood up to object to that plan. "The last time we used the Ancient Ancestor's fairy soul to swap for Darryl, something went wrong.

"That Nine Heaven Brat is no idiot. He would not fall for it again." 1

Ganon was a little anxious at Thoth's refusal. "Then, tell US what we should do?'

Yooda smiled and bowed toward Archfiend Antigonus. He said, "Your Excellency, I have a solution. I'm not sure if it would work."

"Speak!" Archfiend Antigonus said.

Yooda took a deep breath, smiled, and said, "We can do that. We report some fake news, tricking the Nine Heaven Brat into thinking that the Ancient Ancestor is locked up in a specific place. The Nine Heaven Brat is the Ancient Ancestor's disciple. If he hears about that, he will find a way to rescue the Ancient Ancestor. We can set up a trap to ambush them and catch them all at once.

'It's even better if the Nine Heaven Emperor comes along for the rescue. If he doesn't, well, we won't be at a loss either."

Archfiend Antigonus was delighted. He nodded and said, "Great! That is a great idea! Yooda, I'll leave that to you."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Yooda responded and quickly left the palace.

Meanwhile, at the Imperial Sky Palace.


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