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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4552

Chapter 4552


In less than ten seconds, the entire Blood Sacrifice Formation shattered with an earth-shattering roar and the aura from the formation also dissipated from the earth.

Suddenly, the entire Floating Island was pin-drop silent and the fiend race warriors stared at Darryl in shock.

'This... This kid actually did it. He resolved the Blood Sacrifice Formation within ten counts.'

'How's that possible?'

'Who would believe if they had not seen it with their eyes?'

At that moment, Darryl stood arrogantly and smirked as he looked at Archfiend Antigonus. "Your Excellency! It was you who said to resolve it in ten counts. You've lost. As the supreme leader of the fiend race, you wouldn't break your promise, right?"

His voice was not loud but it was heard throughout the Floating Island and it was undeniable.

Immediately, everyone turned to Archfiend Antigonus, especially the Nine Heaven Emperor, the soldiers, and the generals. They were utterly perplexed.

The Godly Region and the fiends have been enemies for so many years and none of them would compromise. Archfiend Antigonus, who was demonic, had finally besieged the Nine Heaven Emperor and was so close to reigning over the Godly Region. Would he become furious and go back on his word just because he lost his bet to Darryl?

Under the crowd's gaze, Archfiend Antigonus became gloomy. He inhaled deeply and said to Darryl coldly, "Very well. Who would have thought that Jade Immortal would have such an outstanding disciple. You've won the bet this time. You have my word. You've won. You may bring the Nine Heaven Brat with you."

As he spoke, he could not hide his anger. Archfiend Antigonus did not want to admit defeat just like that but he did not have a choice. Both parties had witnessed the bet and if he went back on his word, his reputation would be damaged. 2

More importantly, Jade Immortal and the Heavenly Immortals were right behind Darryl, so he could not afford to offend them.


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