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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4583

Chapter 4583

As he spoke, Master Magaera struggled to tamp down the emotions in his chest. Yet seeing as Prince Auten was around, he did not dare express too much.


Empress Heidi nodded. She pondered briefly before saying, "If Darryl Darby had returned to the Nine Mainland, it would be like searching for a needle in a haystack trying to find him. But not all hope is lost."

Master Magaera's gaze flashed with interest. "Do tell, Your Majesty."

"First of all..."

Empress Heidi pondered briefly before speaking, "We can reopen the Enchanted Barrier formation that was destroyed a few years ago and split the Nine Mainland up once again. That way, it'll be a lot easier to locate Darryl Darby and keep track of how things are across the Nine Mainland."

"But that is not something one person can do on his own. I've given it some thought, and I've decided to appoint a Heaven Watcher. They'll be in charge of those affairs."

Finally, Empress Heidi fixed Darryl with a solemn stare. "Magaera, we know that it won't be a good idea for me to show my face around, and Auten's fairly young. I'm afraid I will have to ask for your help."

The Godly Region had always had a barrier that closed them off from the rest of the Nine Mainland to make it easy to supervise what was going on in the Nine Mainland. Until ten years ago, the King of the Ghost World had recklessly destroyed the Enchanted Barrier formation and then set a trap for the Nine Heavens Fairy, watching over the formation.

The Nine Heaven Emperor had not had the chance to repair the barrier, especially with the fiend race's relentless attacks.

Master Magaera did not hesitate as he nodded. "Don't worry, Your Majesty.

I won't let you down."

Ever since he confessed his affections and found out that the Empress had feelings for him as well, Master Magaera had been overwhelmed with joy. Under those circumstances, it was no surprise that he would heed her every command.


Empress Heidi nodded as another thought came to her. She said softly, ’ Also, after I've appointed the Heaven Watcher, I think it's a good idea to send some skilled generals to the Nine Mainland to take down the last of the fiend race.

"According to what I know, Archfiend Antigonus once had his men control many palaces in the Nine Mainland. One of them was the New World, and the person controlling it was a fiend descendant. We mustn't take that lightly." 1


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