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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4616

Chapter 4616

Seeing the determination on Lute Belle’s face made Empress Heidi extremely incensed. Then she gently bit her lips and said, "Fine. The deadline will be a hundred days from now. They will compete with each other for the position of the new emperor."

To be honest, she did not want to give in so easily but she had no choice. Their opponent had the personal letter from Empress Nuwa and it was clearly written that Prince Aurin was to be the next emperor. More importantly, Lute Belle was a Heavenly Immortal and the powerhouse backing her up was unimaginable. Empress Heidi was no match for them at all if it really came to that.

Lute Belle smiled and nodded her head at Empress Heidi's agreement. The next second, she walked gracefully towards Prince Aurin, raised her hand, and untied the ropes binding him.

'Your Majesty, let's go," she said softly.

Then the two of them walked out of the Imperial Sky Palace.

"Mother! Why did you agree to the competition? She has no right to meddle in the Godly Region's affairs even if she's a Heavenly Immortal!" shouted Prince Auten unhappily as soon as they were gone.

He was already the new emperor, after all, so why should he compete with Prince Aurin for something he already had?

"That's enough!" Empress Heidi had a headache from all the shouting and could not help but shout back at him. "Stop your whining. You saw what the letter from Empress Nuwa said. What else can I do?"

Then her tone became gentle. "Don’t worry. I will ask Master Magaera to train you so that Prince Aurin won't even know what hit him on the day of the competition."

Prince Auten calmed down at her words and there was even a smile on his face. There was nothing to fear as long as he had Master Magaera's support.

Meanwhile, Lute Belle and Prince Aurin arrived back in Jade Fairyland.

"Thank you for helping me, Lady Lute Belle! Words cannot describe my gratitude," said Prince Aurin gratefully with a bow when they were in the hall.

Lute Belle smiled faintly. "No need to thank me. If you really want to thank me, then thank Empress Nuwa. Besides, I have no desire for power. I wouldn’t have meddled in the affairs of the Godly Region if it was not for Empress Nuwa's request."

She sized up Prince Aurin and nodded in satisfaction as she spoke." Empress Nuwa sure has a good judgment of character. You are humble and have good manners. You're the perfect candidate for the next emperor.


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