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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4629

Chapter 4629


Princess Sheila shook her head, hopped onto the bed, and tilted her head. ’ I'm going to stay right here. No one's going to play with me if I go outside. I'm not leaving." "You-"

Aurin felt the onset of a headache. Yet, there was not much he could do.

Just as Aurin was about to speak, a series of loud crows rang outside. The noise was distant, but the rumbles it incited were strong enough to make one's heart jump.

Everyone, including Darryl, Prince Aurin, and Princess Sheila, was startled by the noise.

What was happening?

Darryl frowned. Were there still some fiend folks left? Have they been revived?

At the same time, Prince Aurin and Princess Sheila exchanged confused and shocked looks.

Princess Sheila was the first to snap back to her senses the next second. She ran out to take a look and cried out, "I think it's coming from the Beast Enclosure, Brother."

The Beast Enclosure?

Prince Aurin’s expression shifted harshly.

Darryl jumped as well. When he eloped with Princess Dorothy, they ran into a gigantic beast called Kumong. Left with no other option, they had taken refuge in the Royal Food Kitchen, which was how they had encountered the Jade Fairy Immortal.

Darryl remembered that Princess Dorothy had told him about a Beast Enclosure in the Godly Region. The enchanted beasts in it were specially trained by the palace. Those enchanted beasts were immensely powerful, matching the capability of the Four Congenial Beasts, i

However, those enchanted beasts had been specially trained and disciplined and rarely acted out of line. Why was that happening on that day?


As Darryl pondered that, Prince Aurin called out to a guard patrolling the grounds. He said, "Go to the Beast Enclosure at once and find out what's happening." "Yes, Your Highness.”

The guard called out in acknowledgment before hurrying off to the Beast Enclosure.

Princess Sheila's face was devoid of fear; she looked gleeful. She yanked at Prince Aurin's elbow, saying, "Do you think the enchanted beasts are fighting in the enclosure, Brother? That'd be fun." "Don’t say such nonsense."


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